Beyond Quantum Healing
The Beyond Quantum Healing course prepares you to assist clients not only in person but also online or the telephone. The higher realms, in quantum healing sessions themselves, have indicated time after time that the internet is not only a technological advance but an actual physical training ground for future higher human communication and connection. Online sessions are an extremely safe, effective and affordable way for practitioners to connect to clients all over the world.
Ready when you are, the BQH course curriculum is fully online and self-paced. Binge the course over a week or two or take your sweet time! No previous hypnosis, quantum or energy healing experience is necessary.
“BQH is powerful, heart-based, and above all; flexible. Practitioners and their clients are individuals, this method recognizes and celebrates each unique perspective.”
Candace Craw-Goldman, Creator of BQH
The BQH Freedom Principles:
- You will be Free to operate remotely via telephone or computer if that’s what’s in the best interest of your clients
- You will be Free from dogma, strict compliance to scripts, levels, internships, price restrictions and other mandates
- You will be Free to mix modalities and use your own energy to the benefit of your clients
- You will be Free to modify the scripts and procedures to accommodate your desires and your clients’ needs
- You will be Free to be the Practitioner you were always meant to be!
The Course Includes
- 14 Lessons, 28+ videos, 40+ support PDF information documents for
download - Full Session Examples
- Complimentary 30-day access to the Quantum Healing Support
Forum is provided upon enrollment - Interact with other quantum healers in our thriving Support
Community - Never lose access, as long as we’re around you’ll have access to your
course materials
Lesson Plans
Lesson 1: Course Introduction
Lesson 2: Why Beyond Quantum Healing?
Lesson 3: Getting Ready to Start
Lesson 4: How to Communicate, Connect and Prepare your Clients
Lesson 5: Assess each Client’s Needs and Goals
Lesson 6: Suggested Session Script ideas
Lesson 7: The Session Itself – Exploration
Lesson 8: The Session Itself – The Healing Component
Lesson 9: The Session – More Details
Lesson 10: Session Variables and how to Address Them
Lesson 11: Session Debrief
Lesson 12: The Importance of a Support Community
Lesson 13: Technology, Business, and Marketing
Lesson 14: Wrap-up and Webinars
What is Beyond Quantum Healing?
“Beyond what exactly?”
Beyond everything, really.
Beyond traditional “past life regression”.
Beyond step-by-step hypnosis or formulaic procedures.
BQH is heart-based and focuses upon a creative, energetic approach to assist clients in self-healing.
Simply put, humans are different now than they were just a handful of years ago. Our bodies, our sense of time, our intuition, our energy and the very way we move through the world is completely different today than just it was even a few months ago!
Alchemical processes, energy alignments and intention decrees precede bringing the client into a relaxed state to explore consciousness. Any concern one might have can benefit from BQH, be it physical, emotional or spiritual.

But, what does limitless really mean?
In my many years of facilitating what is now thousands of sessions, I found that process matters less than connection, and that rigid process leaves some clients unhelped.
The exact steps in a session that work for one client might not be what another needs, and I believe a practitioner should not be limited in helping a client because of a process. I also believe that a practitioner should be able to use all of their skills and all of the tools in their toolbox.
Beyond Quantum Healing is a framework that allows for maximum flexibility. For example, feel free to incorporate Reiki , sound healing or even medical mediumship. Modify or alter scripts or change up the order of steps. BQH says as long as you keep the health, safety and well-being of your client in mind, be as creative as the creator-being you are!
Beyond Quantum Healing is quantum healing without limitations.
What exactly is Quantum Healing?
Quantum Healing is accessing your own internal wisdom and healing potential through consciousness exploration with the assistance of a QH facilitator.
Why would anyone seek a Quantum Healing Session?
For any and every reason you could possibly imagine! Common concerns are physical health, emotional concerns, self-worth issues, life path questions, career changes, curiosity about soul origins, missing time or to solve other mysteries.
How does Quantum Healing work?
Quantum Healing has variously been called guided visualization, hypnosis, dreamwork or soul travel. All of these descriptions are human words and phrases to basically describe this scenario: You lay back, relax, close your eyes and enter a deep, daydream-like state that is relevant to your situation. You are able to speak and describe your experience all the while being assisted by your facilitator. You will be invited to speak to your own Higher Self- that part of you that is the Divine spark and has more wisdom and knowledge about you and your life plan than your more “everyday” or “temporal” self.
What is the difference between an in-person session verses an online session?
Actually very little is different at all. The most important consideration between choosing between an in-person and an online session is your background and comfort level. Many people feel the most comfortable exploring their own consciousness at home in their own bedroom.
What kind of client may not qualify for an online session?
Everyone’s situation is different, so it is best to email me about your own background, but in general if you have profound fears, have suffered extensive or ritualistic abuse or severe trauma or have lived in a war-zone, an in-person session may be a better option for you than one conducted online. In addition some people are simply more comfortable in the same physical space with their practitioner. I love doing in-person sessions too!
What kind of outcome can I expect after a Quantum Healing session?
I have been an energy healer and quantum healer since 2000. The outcome is vastly variable. [The answer continues with various examples and experiences.]
I would like my mate or family member to observe, is this possible?
This is an often-asked question and the answer is, no, it is not recommended for a variety of reasons and only in the most rare of circumstances would it ever be appropriate. If you would feel more comfortable with a family member nearby, perhaps in another room, that is something altogether different and of course that is okay.
Is it possible to lose control of my mind in a Session?
No one can control your mind unless you let them! At no point during your session will you lose control of what is happening. Your subconscious mind will automatically reject anything that it deems unacceptable.
Can a session be dangerous in any way?
Hypnosis is very safe and is in fact can be considered a state of hyper-awareness. Anytime there is an emergency, a person would naturally be able to come out of the Hypnotic state by simply opening their eyes or sitting up.
What are the rates for your Services?
I am happy to talk to you as an intuitive personal consultant, provide online BQH sessions or in-person Beyond Quantum Healing or QHHT® Sessions or provide one-on-one guidance to any Quantum Healing Practitioner of any kind who would like information or advice concerning their own practice. [The answer continues with specific rates and services.]
Do I need any prior knowledge or training, hypnosis or otherwise, to take this course?
No, you need only have an open heart and the desire to help others. The course is designed both for the brand-new practitioner and as a supplement to the experienced practitioner who can use this method as a framework to integrate all their skills and tools.
Is BQH a hypnosis course?
Not in the classic sense, although elements of hypnosis are used. You will learn to take your client to a relaxed state where they can communicate with their Higher Selves. BQH is thought of as a consciousness exploration and spiritual regression method that can help clients in untold numbers of ways.
I heard about BQH and QHHT® at the same time, do I need to take QHHT first?
You do not. They are two completely different methods and you should follow your heart on which to take first if you want to take both. BQH allows you to integrate all your skills, including helping your clients remotely, while QHHT® is a strict methodology that doesn’t allow the blending of methods and is ‘in person’ only.
I have heard Candace speak most highly of Dolores Cannon. Why create BQH at all?
The world is a much different place now than it was even in the few short years since Dolores transitioned. BQH honors Dolores’ belief that we should create our own approach, considering the comfort with technology and unique approaches to being of service to others.
What about remote sessions, are those okay, will you teach me how to do those?
Remote sessions are not only okay, but they are also amazing! The course will teach how to conduct sessions remotely, including handling technical problems and using video sharing or telephone exclusively.
Are there more levels to BQH? How do I continue learning after the course?
There are no additional levels. The method isn’t “money” focused nor does it encourage competition between practitioners. Continuing-education webinars are typically provided most months, for no additional cost, as supplementals to the course.
I am an experienced practitioner, why should I take your course?
The BQH method is a great framework for blending all of your skills, including practicing remotely. It is open to ALL methods and practitioners, offering a simple way to ‘formalize’ the integration of other methods while still leaving it open to adjustments.
How long will it take me to complete the course?
Most complete the course within a few weeks, but it is completely self-paced. You can access the course from any internet-connected device and will continue to have access to all of the content indefinitely.
Do I have to do practice sessions before I start seeing clients? Do I need to send notes?
No. When you complete your training, you can see clients whenever you are ready. There are no arbitrary ‘practice’ rules as practitioners come from different skills and comfort zones. A Support Forum category is dedicated for those who would like to ‘swap sessions.’
Will I receive a certificate when I complete the class and what happens when I finish the class, how do I get my practice started?
Yes, a personalized digital certificate of completion will be sent. The BQH categories on the Support Forum offer a private community for sharing session stories and advice, including getting your practice started.
I’m confused. There’s the BQH class and a Forum and a Directory? What’s up with that and how can I try them out to see what I want?
There are 3 separate platforms being unified for a single sign-on. You can try them all out to see if they are right for you, allowing access to the Forum, Directory listing, and the BQH course from a single place.
I’m multilingual, what if I need support and course documents in another language?
If you are a member of the Support Forum, you may have access to all BQH support materials in any available language. Additionally, the BQH course and Support Forum are available in several languages, with many categories in languages other than English.
What is QuantumHealers.com?
Quantumhealers.com is a directory where members of our Community connect with people seeking quantum healing sessions. It is an extension of our Support Forum to achieve our goal to support practitioners in all areas of their practices.
Why was quantumhealers.com created?
The site was launched to help world-wide clients find the Alternative and Energy Healing Practitioner best suited to help them. It provides a platform for every kind of practitioner to share their unique practice and connect with others. The Community supports independent practitioners without dogma, hidden agendas, or taking lead fees.
What is the Original Quantum Healing Support Forum?
The Original QH Support Forum began in 2008, focused on the work of Dolores Cannon and supporting her students. It has evolved to include other modalities, sharing ideas and discoveries to assist clients. It now includes a new section for all quantum healing members and offers a global directory for practitioners with a searchable interface, without taking any fees from client leads.
Why would I want to join your Support Forum when there are so many Free Facebook Support Groups?
The Forum offers a private, professional, and kind environment with archived and searchable records. It connects to the Global Directory Listing and celebrates individual choice and freedom in practice. Practitioners trained in multiple modalities share a wealth of information, and discussions on various discoveries and practices are welcomed and celebrated.
I teach some of my own metaphysical, bodywork, or coaching classes, is there any support in your Community for me or my students?
Yes, the Original Quantum Healing Support Forum offers support for practitioners who run their own classes. This includes after-class group support, document and class material access, and optional listing service for trained practitioners. Support plans are tailor-made, offering various time periods for student support, saving time for the instructor and providing a valuable resource for students.