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Book a Session

Session Options

I conduct sessions in 2 ways, Online or In person at my wellness studio in Augusta, Kansas. I am also available by phone for consultations. If you’d like to learn more about my services, and I hope you do, please click one of the images to learn more about how we can connect.

Candace Craw Goldman Online Session

Learn more about Online Sessions

Online sessions are great because they allow the client to relax in their own home, they are easier travel wise and they are open to a wider variety of people because there’s no travel. There is no connection loss because it’s not in person, amazing sessions happen online all the time, and yours can be too.

Inside Harry House Sm

Learn More about In-Person Sessions

Feel right at home, away from home. Sessions are available in Wichita Kansas in a lovely private, quiet home setting exclusively dedicated as a healing space. No sterile hotel room, no office setting, no commercial space, no pets, no other residents.