Quantum Healers Community
Your Community Awaits
Together we can do so much.

It is not enough to simply learn a modality whether it is BQH, or QHHT® or something else.
The practitioners of these methods need each other, and need a way to share and communicate in a private, non-judgmental way and they need a way to continue their education after training.
While the initial training of whatever modalities are chosen is important, the learning that happens after you start doing sessions, running into problems, have questions is critical and propels the practitioner from a beginner into a confident, resourceful practitioner…that learning never ends and explains why The Forum is one of the best, private Communities on the internet.
QuantumHealers.com is 3 things:
Support Forum
One of the foundational elements of QuantumHealers.com is not only to provide service to clients, but to also provide support to the practitioners around the world. To that end The Forum, as we call it, was created over 12 years ago to serve as a private Community for practitioners to share, ask/answer questions, keep up to date on the latest developments
Connecting with people is a fundamental part of being a practitioner. It can also be challenging when that connection in 2020 increasingly requires an internet presence. We help make that easier by providing a worldwide Directory where you can describe and display your practice to connect with others. Join our community and see what we have to offer.
BQH Course
More than just teaching a quantum healing method, in the BQH course we take you through everything, from how to respond to client emails through post-session communication.
We even provide a place for BQH students to arrange practice sessions with one another!

The Forum supports multiple languages, has professional moderation and is only for practitioners of energy related modalities and spiritual practitioners of all kinds. We welcome all but require kindness and respect from each other as we learn together how to provide the best service-to-others that we can. It is a loving, caring Community and is the heart of QuantumHealers.com.