Category: Health

More Vitamin D News

And its good news at that! You won’t see much of this written in the mainstream media however, because no one (no one but YOU anyway) would profit from it. Looks like the good sunshine vitamin is also crucial to keep you cancer-free and it helps keep your bones and other body systems in good… Read more »

Still Using Fluoride?

Brushing your teeth with Crest, maybe? Or drinking fluoridated water? How about “treatments” for your teeth or for your kids or your grandkids? When we purchased our farm last year, we had the old, unused water well’s water tested. The results were the water was undrinkable, unusable even for livestock because of fluoride poisoning. Wait… Read more »

A Tale of Two Burns

We had a meeting of the Wichita Chapter of New Earth Journey here at our farm on Saturday. Not only was there to be a meeting, I was to have not one but two of the guests stay the night so that Saturday morning was spent in busied preparation. Most everything was done and ready… Read more »

A First: Brand Name Product Mentioned During Regression

In my work as a Regressionist, I hear many fantastic and out-of-this-world stories. People visit and re-visit many different lives and experiences and I go with them to the past, to parallel lives, to the future and even to other planets and different dimensions and realities. After reviewing this experience, we talk to the “Higher… Read more »

The Flu Shot in 2011

Its been interesting to watch the “flu news”. Here in America, it seems some people are finally waking up to the fact that the shot is ineffective at best and dangerous at worst, and exists primarily to make more money for Big Pharma. Haven’t you seen the push to buy the shot? Go into any… Read more »

Something Ailing You?

Maybe you need to go to your doctor.  Then again, maybe not. Traditionally Western medicine operates primarily by addressing symptoms as things to be eliminated. If something is wrong, they want to poison it, burn it or cut it out or off of you.  Then you are cured, right? No? The problem returns or reoccurs?… Read more »