Just how “Intuitive” are you?

2021 is giving you a chance to find out. Everyone was born with intuition. You might think that some people are just naturally more intuitive, and that might be true to some extent, but I am convinced you can develop this sense with practice. Now’s your chance. You may have heard of the phrase “The…

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It’s Gone! A Manifesting Miracle.

Yesterday morning I hopped into my truck to head to town for supplies. It was a warm but windy day here in rural Kansas, the southerly winds were picking up dust and dirt off the dry ground but it was sunny and pleasant nonetheless, with not a cloud in the sky. I drove towards the…

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OBE View of Earth- Nov. 3, 2020

Yesterday as I prepared for sleep, as so many others were doing in this great nation of ours, I took a deep breath. How will tomorrow, November 3, 2020 present itself? What will happen? I asked for a significant dream. One that I might possibly share with others. I stilled my body and closed my…

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