
There is real power and truth in number combinations. You, and the cosmos and all of reality itself is constructed with precise and beautiful geometry and mathematics. That, and love, of course!

All over the planet, lightworkers will celebrate the 12:12.

The 12:12 activation that happens today is an opening that can provide a softening of the heart in order to receive the all-inclusive Christ Consciousness. This powerful Light of the Christ becomes available in a way that allows all beings willing to open their hearts to receive Divine Love.

These energies can be seen astrologically, and as the stars and planets and our galaxy spins, these energies filter down through all of creation and affect our human lives too. These energies, this Love permeates the atmosphere where it encourages a new level of transformational healing.

How can you make the most of this day? Any time today, but especially at 12 minutes past 12:00 noon, open your heart to your creator. Let that divine love in, or if it resonates better to think of it as the energy from the cosmos, let that in, and see what happens.