Contact within a Dream Part 2

Standing back at the side of the spaceship and looking at Kismet, licking her paw, I then sensed a communication from within the craft. It wasn’t audible, it was telepathic. It was brief and it was the only direct communication I received in the dream “You are in the beginning stages of true human multidimensional expansion.”

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Contact within a Dream

disc shaped spacecraft near house with trees photo illustration

What kind of experience WAS this anyway? I was most lucid in this dream. I was asking logical questions, despite the “Kilroy” thought.

I knew that in the house before me, I had, just 3 days prior, been in a consciousness exploration experience with my friends Will and Allison Brown.

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It Takes Two to Tandem…Session that is!

Consciousness Connection between two people, telepathy.

In an event that’s sure to surprise and enlighten, enjoy a front-row seat as Allison simultaneously induces Candace Craw-Goldman, founder of Beyond Quantum Healing AND Will Brown, internationally known trance channel…creating a magical container of exploration. Watch this one-of-a-kind session unfold in real time from the comfort of your own home, as you lend positive intention and heart-centered energy to the experience. There’s no predicting what might take place, but we are certain it will be extraordinary!

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Strataca is an underground salt mine museum. Way underground. Like, way, way underground, as in 65 stories underground. A truly unnatural place for a human to venture, I have been working myself up for the experience.

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Quantum Connect!

The magic of your own Higher Self will still communicate with you in a fun, compact, easy 45 minute session that you can book during a lunch hour with time to spare.

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How To Prepare for a Quantum Healing Session

I wrote the following article more than 7 years ago, when I was practicing nothing but QHHT®. Now that I have added BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) and other alternatives, I find that really nothing has changed at all from the advice I compiled below, it remains true in every way and you may have read…

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