The Human Heart Field

Make no mistake, the human heart has sustained massive direct attacks, both physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual. And yet, the collective consciousness of the human heart endures. This is what makes humans so very special.

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It Takes Two to Tandem…Session that is!

Consciousness Connection between two people, telepathy.

In an event that’s sure to surprise and enlighten, enjoy a front-row seat as Allison simultaneously induces Candace Craw-Goldman, founder of Beyond Quantum Healing AND Will Brown, internationally known trance channel…creating a magical container of exploration. Watch this one-of-a-kind session unfold in real time from the comfort of your own home, as you lend positive intention and heart-centered energy to the experience. There’s no predicting what might take place, but we are certain it will be extraordinary!

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Dolores and the Round Hotel. Part 5.

Then I recalled  a memory of my own mother Eva telling me about Rosa. She had very few memories of her of course as she was only 4 years old when Rosa died. I knew she was frail. I knew she died of TB, but was there more to know?

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BQH Mini Sessions -“To-Go”!

Beyond Quantum Healing offered now in a new way. (Update early 2022- I have renamed this type of session Quantum Connect or QC for short) A BQH “To-Go” is a way to experience a “mini” BQH session with no lengthy time commitment or trance state necessary. The magic of your own Higher Self will still…

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My Quantum Healing Story Continues…

This morning I am reminded of the phrase, “The cobbler’s children have no shoes.” I have been so focused, busy and driven to support the practitioners in our Community with our Directory and our bustling and busy Support Forum and our new Beyond Quantum Healing Course, I have up until today, seriously neglected my own website updates! I was…

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