A Quantum Healing Christmas Story, Part 4

In Part 4 of this Quantum Healing Christmas Story, (all parts, including Part One and Part Two and Part Three can be read by clicking the links in this sentence) Jay provided some background information about the man, his traveling companions and from where he had come. He was describing the light that they followed and had a revelation he was about to share. He had said that “We have the story (of the Nativity) all wrong.”

Jay’s voice and demeanor changed at this point quite dramatically. He began to whisper and also to weep, silently, as he spoke. There were pauses in his description where he took deep breaths. He was literally vibrating and the air in the room also began to vibrate.

Jay: You must know this: The light, it was so unique, and so powerful. And it drew you in and it was…wait, we’ve gotten this story so wrong, So wrong. It’s not at all what we’ve been told….

Me: What do you mean, “We’ve gotten the story wrong?”

 Jay’s conscious mind, was coming forth to speak now in the present tense about our current life. This isn’t completely unheard of during a session, by any means. We as humans are able to have dual and even triple or more consciousness focal points. Often the conscious mind has been watching the session all along, but simply silent and allowing the other aspects of the soul to speak. This is the very embodiment of the concept of “mulitidimensionality.”

Looking back on the session this particular moment of the session may very well have been the whole reason he came that day.

 Jay: “We’ve gotten it all wrong,”

He whispered again. His paused and took several deep breaths. He began again, voice quivering and tears streaming from his eyes.

 Jay: The light is not coming down, from the heavens to this child. It is coming from this child, and it is rising up into the heavens!!

Astonishment enveloped us both. I think I literally stopped breathing for a time and was silent. Jay took some moments and simply watched the scene, breathing deeply with tears leaving his eyes. I sat simply stunned myself at this idea and stayed quiet for a bit. I found myself re-creating all the stories I had ever heard about this scene of the birth of Christ and the Nativity and considered the possibility that indeed humanity did not fully grasp exactly what this event was all about and what happened that day.

Without prompting, Jay began to talk more about the light.

Jay: This intense light, this pure light… its definitely coming from the manger and lighting up… and not punching a hole through the scene in the sky but… its…its…

Christmas scene

 He was definitely having trouble trying to describe in words what he was seeing.

Me: It must be amazing to be there witnessing this.

Jay: Yes. I remember… I remember the first time I experienced my body as white light. This is the first time I think I saw this light.

 Now exactly who was remembering this, or which “body” was experiencing the white light memory is not clear. It could have been the wise man? Another incarnation? It possibly could have been his Higher Self remembering another body or lifetime. I made a choice to ask about the experience itself first hoping to get more complete information about all of it.

Me: What was that like?

Jay: It started in my feet and went up to my calves and quads, hands and forearms, upper arms and my torso all became brilliantly white. It felt so wonderful. So pure. I felt pure.

Just as I was going to ask more questions to try to understand when and how this light experience/memory was felt, and by whom, Jay began to speak about something intense happening in the scene.

Jay: It looks like I’m trying to go into, go through the light now. I am moving into it myself. It looks like a fountain on the other side.

 I went through it!

Me: (Trying to understand) And, then, where is your body?

Jay: (Having trouble with words) A manger, its back in the…(pauses)

Me: (Waiting for him to settle) Do you feel separate from your physical body at the moment?

Jay: No, it’s a weird but interesting connection between the two. Its like a double gushing fountain, one from the top one from the bottom and in-between.

 Me: With what in-between?

Jay: With like a thin connection in-between, but its…(pauses)

Often in Quantum Healing sessions the experience is so unlike anything we as humans have had before that clients search for words or analogies to attempt to explain what is happening. He seemed like he might be describing a toroidal shape or something similar. I decided it might be good to give him uninterrupted time to experience the light so that he could describe it more fully for us both. (Here is an excellent video explaining what a toroidal field looks like and what Jay might have been describing.)

Me: Well just enjoy that light for a few minutes. I want you to enjoy that light, exactly where you are in silence for a minute or two and while you are there you can think about why it is that you’re there, what it is that you are exploring and learning while you are full of that light coming from both directions.

(Several minutes pass.)

Me: Do you have any more thoughts as you find yourself in the middle of this white light? Any more revelations or anything you can share?

Jay: This is…this is the Gate of Heaven. I’ve been looking for it. It’s not a recent choice to look for it. I’ve been guiding all of my choices with this in mind.

Me: That sounds really amazing, and while all this is going on, as amazing of a connection and experience that you’re having at the Gate of Heaven, what is happening with your body?

Jay: I can feel my legs down below still standing in the room, I’m in both places. I’m standing down there; it’s the sensation that my torso is really long and I’ve poked up half of my body and I’m looking around. Taking it all in. Its amazing. So much is possible from this vantage point.

Me: That sounds like quite a rush. Is this what you thought might happen, or are you completely surprised?

Jay: I’m surprised, I’ve been surprised ever since I wound up back in Jerusalem, in Bethlehem.

Me: Is there anything else you would like to tell me about, what happening right now? Your thoughts and feelings about what’s happening in this scene? Make sure all of what is important is being shared.

Jay: Yes, that it relates what is happening to this life manifestation currently. Learning how to pass through that Gate of Heaven, it almost happened to me once before in this other plane, and at the last second I remembered that I didn’t go. I heard a voice say ‘easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to pass through the gate of heaven’. Just like that I didn’t go, it’s nice to let myself go through the Gate of Heaven this time.

 And just like that, Jay was finished with the Nativity scene and the session moved on to an entirely different life and scene. I did not get a chance to ask more questions of the man with the dreadlocks. Like most clients, Jay came for one session only, and one session answered all of his questions and addressed all of his issues! His Higher Self explained that the reason that particular lifetime was shown to him was to remind him not only of the wisdom he had in that lifetime but in every life he has lived. It was shown to remind him that he had the pure light of the Creator inside of himself, because he was a part of the Creator, as His creation.

Jay did contact me about a week later and relayed a long list of the most extraordinary “Jesus” themed surprises, messages and synchronistic events. Jesus was suddenly everywhere in Jay’s life. In billboards, license plates, fortune cookies and more, each with a humorous and helpful event taking place for his life when he noticed. He wasn’t insisting on removing Jesus from his life and world any longer. He welcomed this new and magical connection with Christ and was practically giddy as he described some of these events.

Every bit of his resentment towards Christianity or the church or Jesus himself had completely vanished. He told me, “You know, I bet most people would have a hard time accepting themselves having once lived a life as a famous biblical character. I get that. And you know what? I don’t even care if it was actually a real past life or not. I think it might have been real. It sure felt real. In my heart I believe it to be real. And I will never forget that scene with the child and the manger and the light. But the important thing is that I know now is that I am, without a shadow of a doubt, absolutely connected to the Pure light of the Christ Consciousness.” Then he laughed a little bit and said. “Even though I call myself a Buddhist!”

Merry Christmas, Everyone! Here’s to remembering why we celebrate this Holiday Season!

Much love and many blessings to you all,


-For information about Candace and her Quantum Healing practice see newearthjourney.com

-For more information about Quantum Healing and Dolores Cannon’s body of work, see QuantumHealingPractitioners.com

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2014 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

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