Quantum Healing really is … QUANTUM! We really are so very connected, all of us really, but when we make connections with our clients even more so. Your dreams may hold information specifically connected to, or for, your client!

Quantum Healing really is … QUANTUM! We really are so very connected, all of us really, but when we make connections with our clients even more so. Your dreams may hold information specifically connected to, or for, your client!
I dreamt I was at Dad’s house standing in the yard near the big old cottonwood tree. There, sitting quiet and on the ground, in broad daylight, was a huge disc-shaped craft. It rose about 20 feet into the air and had about 4 times that length as its diameter. I was very near to… Read more »
Last night I dreamed I was back in the ancient sea salt mine of Kansas called Stracata. It was a lucid dream so I was aware I was in a dream world version of the place. We had only been there two days ago. I had only just begun to consider and process the thoughts,… Read more »
Dad’s days are very simple and basic and primarily center around getting him fed/clean and comfortable. At 92, he still walks every day unless the old ankle gives him fits, and he plays multiple games of scrabble on the big giant board typically with the caregivers in attendance. He still likes crossword puzzles, so attempts… Read more »
Information for the Human Collective, March 25, 2021 Dolores Cannon as channeled by Candace Craw-Goldman. Its been a while. -Life’s been busy Dolores. Yes. Let’s talk. I have a question for you. -Wait, what? You have a question for me? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? This question will actually answer some… Read more »
Dolores Cannon passed away just about six months ago, on October 18, 2014. Since that time those that knew and loved her, those who practice her method of consciousness exploration and healing and even some people who never even heard of Dolores Cannon at all have been receiving messages and communication from her via intuition,… Read more »
It is a rare event for me to have a “bad” dream and I haven’t had a nightmare in many years. I did have the occasional nightmare as a child and young adult but I learned a long time ago not to expose myself to fearful imagery or horror movies or really anything that celebrates… Read more »
I am currently taking an online class from Jim Self of Masteringalchemy.com Jim is often called the teacher’s teacher and it is an excellent description. Jim has had a lifetime of dreamtime communication with the Archangels. He allows we all have the capacity to have the same. He suggests a way to program and intend… Read more »
Increasingly we are hearing about water. Water visions, water dreams, prophecies about water. Water is my personal dream symbol of consciousness. It seems to be fairly universal. Are you dreaming about flooding? Pools? Ice? Oceans? Dreaming about big amounts of water coming in from somewhere? You are not alone. My dreams lately have much to… Read more »
Last night in the dream state, I was shown this: My consciousness floating just outside or disconnected from the earth, from 3D reality. From this vantage point I can come “down” to the earth and choose my “entry point” to experience my reality. (or really ANY 3d reality, as will be explained) The way the… Read more »