Angelic Reality Lessons in Dreamtime

I am currently taking an online class from Jim Self of Jim is often called the teacher’s teacher and it is an excellent description. Jim has had a lifetime of dreamtime communication with the Archangels. He allows we all have the capacity to have the same. He suggests a way to program and intend the experience just before going to sleep. I tried that last night. I think it worked!

I dreamed that I was in a beautiful garden with flowers, mostly lilies, in colors the likes of which I had never before seen. There were birds and butterflies and lovely paths and places to sit. I walked into the garden and sat on a curved stone bench. There were a group of angelic beings waiting for me.

I understood that I was there to view some metaphors to questions I have had regarding reality construction. Basically, I was attending a class taught by angels.

In my first lesson, I was shown that each act of kindness, no matter how big nor how small, by every human on the planet was like buying a lottery ticket. And each winning ticket’s jackpot was made richer by each act of kindness and then the jackpot was divided back amongst those who bought the ticket to begin with.

A kindness could be large and very generous or even be so small to be a kind, brief internal thought–towards another person.

The next lesson was about raising our frequency and becoming happier. They also showed me how things “come up” in your daily life that need releasing. They showed it to me in this way:  I was walking and suddenly felt a small hard box in my pocket, restricting my movement and becoming uncomfortable. They had me take the box out of my pocket, look at it, briefly open the box and note the contents and then, let it go. When I did this as instructed, the box faded away and disappeared. They showed me that these things, (past issues events and concerns, etc usually) come up for people all the time and not to be upset when they do. They explained that with the newer faster higher frequencies, all of these heavier, more dense things must be purged and cleaned out.

man carry box frown

Photo courtesy and David Castillo Dominici

I was then shown people walking on the street dealing with their own boxes. They showed me some who felt the box, opened it up to the air and sun and then let the contents go, were light and free. They then showed me people who opened their boxes and quickly closed them up tightly again and stuffed them back into their pockets…they were not very happy people.

Some of these people had bulging pockets of boxes, they were burdened by their heaviness and awkwardness, and could not move freely. Some people put the boxes and their contents directly into their bodies! These people manifested disease and pain that way.

The angels explained gently that everyone has these issues and “boxes” come up! Its okay, and quite human to feel hurt or angry or sad. The idea is to look at that hurt and sadness, acknowledge it briefly, and then let it GO, stop carrying it around. You just don’t have to keep carrying it around. And burying the hurts and anger deeper into your pockets or your body simply does not work.  The angels explained that it is normal to have issues arise and need “re-clearing” even if you think you have let the issue go many years ago! Its not like they have “returned”, you are just releasing their “echos” or faded frequency.

The next lesson had the same angels explaining the amazing energies (in conjunction with the date of 12-21-12) released by the center of the cosmos, of which we as Earth Beings and actual SCIENTISTS are just now becoming aware.  See more information from Astronomers HERE.

(The scientists mention the effects of this energy and the magnetic field of our cosmos. Yes, indeed. And our bodies are electromagnetic too! Jim Self says, “Your thoughts are electric, your emotions are magnetic.” The article says “we are in no danger,” but don’t present the idea that this energy has any type of effect on us, once again emphasizing materialism and separatism. I suggest we are all just pieces of a singular energy system.)

The dream continued with my husband Tom, who joined me in this cosmic lesson and was very taken with the dark DISC shape and perpendicular line of energy headed towards our planet. He kept saying to me “Don’t you remember seeing this before?” “Don’t you realize how vast and significant this is?” He was very excited, and wanted me to try draw a picture of what we were being shown or maybe write some of the mathematical formula down but I just wanted to watch the angels and “movie” of it all and told him he was better at the math and maybe could do it for us both. 🙂

And then the dream ended.

I find it fascinating how people have reacted to the long-awaited date of December 21, 2012. Many people are saying “See? I TOLD you nothing would happen.” Then there are some who are extremely disappointed that 3D reality did not just change overnight into something else, or that they did not ascend into heaven that day.

I think, you see, both “camps” were right. The shift was HUGE and cosmic, but most humans felt nothing.

There are many, myself included, who have felt significant internal energy shifts and changes. Changes that I believe are happening to ALL humans! Some or most for whatever reason, just are not quite aware of what it feels like, or perhaps think the things they are feeling are attributable to something else.

Everything starts in the etheric realms and then filters down to us in 3D! This shift of the ages works the same way. It could be and probably will be about 2-3 years before we more completely recognise this cosmic change.

Many talk about DNA changes  including Jim Self who explains how Archangel Metatron and others have told us that no child born after December 21, 2012 be born in the old 3D version. Their very DNA will be different. Where we older folk are carbon-based all the way, these new babies and those who come after will have more silica within their human bodies, rather than carbon. It is said by some that scientists already see evidence of this but they are keeping quiet because it upsets their accepted version of reality’s apple cart.

What this means is that the human really is evolving consciously and physically and becoming physically crystalline. Crystals hold more light than carbon. Carbon is heavy and dark it’s very hard to put light into carbon. We need to be crystalline to activate our “light body”.

Us older folk will make this transition too. And it will be easier when we let the “contents” of those boxes, the limitations, fears and all kinds of emotional baggage, GO.

(Permission to share this story is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way. Copyright 2013 Candace Craw-Goldman. )

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