Tag: beyond quantum healing

Dolores Debriefs my BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Session

Looking Deeper – A “Failed-Successful” BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Session. This is channeled information given by Dolores Cannon to Candace Craw-Goldman regarding a session that seemed to only disappoint the client.  Dolores Cannon was and is known for communicating with her “students,” in Quantum Healing sessions, dreams, meditations signs and more. She actually began this… Read more »

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Dolores Cannon: Working harder than ever

Today is October 18, 2016. Dolores Cannon has been gone from the physical earth plane for exactly two years. So much has changed in those two years! The world has changed. Humanity certainly has changed. Dolores Cannon’s students and practitioners and clients have changed and Dolores’ method of, and a client’s experience of, Quantum Healing… Read more »

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