Dreaming of Water, Dolores Cannon and Masaru Emoto

In the beginning of the dream I found myself walking near an ocean- a beautiful expansive and very familiar ocean. The water was so soft, inviting and sparkly. Up ahead I saw a pavilion. It was a very large pavilion, quite massive. As I came closer I saw one person near the closest corner, walking…

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Dolores Cannon: Working harder than ever

Today is October 18, 2016. Dolores Cannon has been gone from the physical earth plane for exactly two years. So much has changed in those two years! The world has changed. Humanity certainly has changed. Dolores Cannon’s students and practitioners and clients have changed and Dolores’ method of, and a client’s experience of, Quantum Healing…

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Ancient Entanglements

I have been practicing Dolores Cannon’s method of Quantum Healing for nearly 8 years. In that time I have had dozens of clients that leave my Wellness Studio beaming and claiming they will be writing a book about their experiences. Well- Milena Oliver is one client who finally finished her book and published it! You…

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Christmas 2015

It’s been quite the year, 2015. And yet, as transformative as the rest of the year has been, and even in the midst of global, community and even personal uncertainty, the Christmas season brings with it gifts of the comfort of the familiar. Jesus Christ, Jeshua, Easa, the Christ Consciousness…. make appearances in Quantum Healing…

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Dolores Cannon: One Year Beyond the Veil

It’s been a whole year since Dolores Cannon died. At the time of her death she and her work were more popular than ever. She was on the brink of releasing her 18th book. She had just completed teaching a series of courses that included the largest live Quantum Healing Hypnosis Level 1 class in…

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