Ancient Entanglements

I have been practicing Dolores Cannon’s method of Quantum Healing for nearly 8 years. In that time I have had dozens of clients that leave my Wellness Studio beaming and claiming they will be writing a book about their experiences. Well- Milena Oliver is one client who finally finished her book and published it!

AncientEntanglements front cover only

You can find the book on Amazon HERE

Milena Oliver is a Quantum Healing explorer and a Wave II Volunteer, as described in Dolores Cannon’s book, “The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth”. She is the author of “Ancient Entanglements” and the forthcoming book, “Living in the Light Vibration”, a manual for awakening through vibrational and energetic change.

“Ancient Entanglements” is the story of an unexpected journey through a Quantum Healing process facilitated by Candace Craw-Goldman. It inspired the first of a as-yet-to-be-created video series called “See a Red Bird”

With intent to get to the bottom of a childhood filled with fears and unexplained memories of extraterrestrials, the author instead journeys to an ancient intergalactic world on the brink of war. Its inhabitants reveal the difficult choices the civilization has to make as well as limitless possibilities for a peaceful and luminous future for all beings near and far. The Quantum Healing session also takes Milena to her Arcturian home a world that has changed dramatically from its origins because of the war. Through her journey information is shared about why Ascension on earth is so critical in our lifetime.


Milena will join me on New Earth Journey Radio March 15, 2016 at 7m Central Time. All shows are archived on BBS Radio, Itunes and YouTube.

milena oliver episode 18 NEJ edit is Milena’s website.

Permission to share this blog article is granted as long as all of the information and links remain intact and unchanged. Copyright 2016 Candace Craw-Goldman 

Candace practices Quantum healing in her Wellness Studio in Kansas. She Assisted Dolores Cannon for many years before her passing and was recommended by her personally. Candace has created her own REMOTE Quantum Healing Process that is Personalized for YOU specifically for those who desire assistance long-distance.

Find out more about Dolores Cannon, Quantum Healing and find a qualified Quantum Healing Practitioner near you by visiting


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