It Takes Two to Tandem…Session that is!

Connected Minds

What the Heck is a “Tandem” Session Anyway?

A tandem Quantum Healing session is where two people are relaxed into a trance state and a facilitator helps to guide them into a shared consciousness exploration.

Consciousness Connection between two people, telepathy.
Consciousness Connection between two people, telepathy.

So what does that look like? Well, it can look like a number of things!

I have experienced tandem sessions from both perspectives, practitioner and client, more of the former than the latter. I have facilitated regressions with husbands and wives, sisters, friends and colleagues in tandem. I have personally experienced from the “client” perspective, sessions with my own husband, and other healers and friends. These sessions have produced past life scenarios, future life possibilities, communication with unborn children, direct communication with Dolores Cannon, combined communications from Higher Selves, and more.

In the second half of this video I talk about an upcoming BQH, (Beyond Quantum Healing) Tandem Session Event that is scheduled to take place June, 24, 2023 at 1pm Central Time. The facilitator will be Allison Brown, and the two people to be induced into trance are Allison’s husband, William Brown, an internationally known trance channel, and yours truly, Candace Craw-Goldman.

There are many reasons I look forward to this event, not the least of which is that Allison and Will are two of my most favorite people on the planet. In addition, a couple of years back I facilitated a most memorable tandem session between Allison and Will themselves during an in person BQH class being held here in Kansas. There was not a dry eye in the room during that session, and it ended with a huge energetic event of a massive thunderclap and flash of lightening that seemed to come out of no where.

Another reason I look forward to this exploration is the last time I connected with a trance channel in a tandem BQH session, it was with my dear friend Pamela Aaralyn in 2019. Hands down, that experience remains to this day THE most powerful session I have ever been a part of, both as a practitioner and as a client! The energy in the room, the physical experience, the communication from Dolores Cannon and the outcomes attained still leave me in awe!

No pressure there though dear Will and Allison. If that wasn’t enough to look forward to, we plan on LIVESTREAMING this event on a Zoom Webinar! The one thing I have come to expect with these types of explorations is to have no expectations whatsoever!

You are invited to join…Candace Craw-Goldman along with Will and Allison Brown for this exciting LIVE-streamed consciousness exploration! In an event that’s sure to surprise and enlighten, enjoy a front-row seat as Allison simultaneously induces Candace Craw-Goldman, founder of Beyond Quantum Healing AND Will Brown, internationally known trance channel…creating a magical container of exploration. Watch this one-of-a-kind session unfold in real time from the comfort of your own home, as you lend positive intention and heart-centered energy to the experience. There’s no predicting what might take place, but we are certain it will be extraordinary!

CLICK THIS LINK to register.

Meet Your Facilitators:

Candace Craw-Goldman is a wife, mom and grandmother, a healer, a dreamer and a writer of magical things. She is the creator of Beyond Quantum Healing and Quantum Connect – modalities  that explore, expand and elevate our human consciousness. She is the founder of, a GURU-free community of Healers and Wayshowers. is a multi-platform of support and services for practitioners that includes a world-wide public directory, censorship-FREE support forum and quantum healing courses for healers of ALL kinds. Candace began her healer’s journey as Dolores Cannon’s teaching assistant and created Dolores’ Original QHHT Support Forum in 2008.

Dr. Allison Brown is an award-winning author, educator, and quantum healer. In 2014, her search for reconciliation between a newfound spirituality and her traditional Christian upbringing led her on an amazing journey of self-discovery, detailed in her first book, The Journey Within. Visit her online at

William (Will) Brown is an internationally known, clear trance channel. Upon his awakening in 2014, he was introduced to his team of guides, who call themselves The Collective. Since that time, Will has lived his passion and purpose as a healer, teacher, and messenger, working with clients all over the world. Visit him online at

Allison and Will work together to help folks heal, discover, and awaken. Using complementary skills, they facilitate communication with their clients’ higher selves, spiritual guides, ancestors, and even pets!  They are based in Moncks Corner, South Carolina, offering sessions from their metaphysical event space, The Treehouse. To book a session, visit:

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