Number Prompts


What are yours? They change you know. Or at least mine do. Decades ago I began noticing the 11:11’s and I still see that combination frequently and the 11:11 remains meaningful.

But, for the last 3 years or so, my primary number prompts have been the variations on 144 and 444. While there are many theories about seeing repetitive numbers and which numbers mean what things, for me, the prompts typically function as consciousness checkpoints or energy confirmations . When I see them I pay attention. What project was I working on? What idea was I thinking about? What person or feeling or situation was upper most in my mind when I see them? What question or issue was top of mind? Did I make the right decision? Is all flowing well?

As I uploaded the very last bonus BQH Webinar to the online class a few days ago. (It was the 32nd webinar!) I was pondering endings and beginnings and the timing of things. And here were my flow of thoughts as I watched the upload progress:

I am wrapping up one class (BQH) and now focusing upon a new one (Quantum Connect). I closed down my Augusta office studio and am setting up my new version in Wichita, and another large and complex unveiling of a beginning is happening with our unified platform at We are closing down the old 3rd party services and launch a wholly owned and unified site of classes/community forum and public directory that depends on no other outside platforms. I have begun a new exercise program in earnest and looking forward to seeing my health and well-being improve now that I am in my 60’s. All of this “newness” as 2022 ends and we step fully into 2023.

I was thinking of all of these things but focused upon QC. I’ve been excited about launching Quantum Connect but chagrined about the numerous delays of its new home. Its been ready for months. Energetically, why the delay? Yes, technology is the 3D reason, but… still. We could have uploaded it to the “old” platform but wanted to use our new learning system platform; rather than start it on one platform and eventually have to move everything over. This is exactly what is happening to the Forum and the Beyond Quantum Healing course materials as we speak, an onerous, complex and frankly, mind-numbing and tedious process. So we’ve elected to wait until our new learning system platform was ready before launching Quantum Connect.

Understandably we have been frustrated about these delays. I was thinking about all of these things as I uploaded the thumbnail to the latest and final Beyond Quantum Healing “bonus webinar” to the course. I took a photo of my screen with my phone when I saw 1:44:14.

Seeing those numbers just made me grin ear to ear and the lingering frustration just flowed right out.

And I just realized I can add another 14… as I publish this article today~ February 14! Happy Valentine’s Day to you all! May much LOVE surround you and yours.
