Late last year I started renovating the old family home. Oh my goodness did it need it. Dad wasn’t big on updating or even doing most kinds of repairs unless absolutely critical. I remember mom whining, for years and years about the duct tape holding down the torn and worn linoleum floor in the kitchen. It was still there as of a few weeks ago! Dad just wasn’t bothered in the least that things were falling apart. When the kitchen sink hot water faucet knob broke off, he added a pair of vice grips and called it good. I didn’t nag him much, but finally, things just had to change. It was simply time.
I started to do some minor repairs a while back despite minor objections but I got very serious late last year. I gave notice at my Augusta rental office space, boxed up all my things, made space here and got cracking on big repair and remodel projects here at the old homestead. This house was going to have a new mission and a new purpose!
My new home office.

And while the renovation projects continue, the main wellness/studio room itself, the bathroom, the kitchen and the new furnace and A/C unit are all currently in good working order and so, I have been accepting clients for In-Person sessions for a few weeks now. Many clients still prefer online sessions and consults via Zoom, but more and more people are looking for that personal touch of meeting in real life. I love my new digs. Its very quiet here, and having a full size kitchen and working fireplace makes it most welcoming.
In addition to doing Quantum Healing sessions here in the new space, I have been recording YouTube shows (follow the link to check out the latest one “Dolores’ Golden Ticket”!) and also preparing for the upcoming Beyond Quantum Healing Immersion Event. This workshop/class will be held in real life too. Not here though, but at a lovely Augusta Kansas Lakehouse.
For more information on the BQH Immersion you can follow these links: