A Quantum Healing Christmas Story, Part 3

In Part 3 of this Quantum Healing Hynopsis Christmas Story, the client Jay was describing himself as a well-dressed, bearded, dark-haired man with dreadlocks observing the Christ Child in the manger with his Mother Mary sitting nearby. (Here are Part One and Part Two for those just joining this story.)

Me: So you are standing there in front of the manger, and Mary is there.  Are you holding anything in your arms?

Jay: Water.

Me: How are you holding water?

Jay: Looks like a big old donkey bladder or a canteen made out of natural bladder that’s been stitched. I feel like I’m presenting the water.

Me: You are presenting the water? In what way?

Jay: I’m presenting it to Mary, but I’m sort standing back from the scene a little bit. Like I am in the doorway.

Me: I see. Can you tell me who else is there? What else is going on around you? Are there other people there?

Jay: I see the baby, the mother to the right, the father to the left of the baby and I see a donkey lying in the background. There are two more people to my right. I am not looking at them at the moment but I feel their presence. I know they are there. There is a dark skinned man, wearing like black and gold, he doesn’t have the darkest of skin, but his is darker than mine. Black and gold…

Me: I see. Is this dark-skinned man someone who is known to you?

Jay: I don’t know. I think I know him. He sure he seems bent on telling me something though.

Me: I see.

Jay: It’s almost like he’s grabbing my right elbow and trying to whisper something into my ear.

Me: Sounds like he has an important message to give you. Let’s hear what he has to say.

Jay: He says something that gives me the chills. “We’re here;” He says, “ This is it.”

Me: How does it make you feel when he says that?

Jay: I get goose bumps that start on my right side and lead to my left side. I am absolutely covered in goosebumps.

Me: Does this person have anything in their arms? Are they carrying or presenting anything?

Jay: He has my right elbow in his left hand and he is just pointing towards the center of the room.

Me: I see, and and that’s where the babe is laying? Is that where the manger is or is he pointing to something else?

Jay: It doesn’t actually seem like the babe is the reason we are there. It seems like we are there for something that actually has to do with Mary.

Me: Okay.

I was about to ask more about why they might be there for Mary when Jay began to be very focused on his physical body within that scene.

Jay: My right arm is experiencing… something very odd, very powerful, its really interesting.

Me: It’s okay the more you describe it, the more we will learn. What’s going on?

Jay: It feels like intense isolated goose bumps, My right bicep, my right elbow, right where the dark skinned man is touching me. Its like his hand is going right through my body. It’s so strange.

Jay didn’t seem to be able to say much more about the sensations in his arm or what was happening to the body he was in, nor any more specific connection to Mary and his presence so I moved on and asked more questions about what was going on around him.

Me: You said you felt another presence as well, are you able to see that other presence now?

Jay: He’s a shorter man, somewhat squat. He has a white beard, he’s wearing blue and gold.

Me: What sort of color skin does this fellow have?

Jay: Lighter, lighter skin, he seems much older than us too. Whereas “black and gold” has dark, dark hair, and a dark beard. It’s a dark beard but it’s not long. This other fellow has a white beard, the white beard is long, but he doesn’t show his hair, he’s got a headdress. It’s very fine. A blue and gold headdress. So dark blue its almost like black silk. Whereas my headdress and the other’s is sort of above our heads, this guy’s head covering sort of drapes, like black silk draping over the shoulders.

Jay: And he has a black and gold cloak. These are not ordinary garments. They are rich and amazing fabrics. These two men are … they are my travelling companions.

Me: I see. Can I ask, how did you know how to get here where you are?

Jay: That bright white light.

Me: Can you tell me more about this light?

Chistmas Stable In Bethlehem

Jay: Four long rays, long points of light emitting from the center and the rays curl back a little bit on themselves. They went down side to side and curled back a little. It almost feels like, like four hands were pulling the sky apart and letting this light through.

Me: That’s a beautiful description. Tell me more about this light.

Jay: It was intriguing. It was unknown. It was Joyous to behold.

Me: So could everyone see the light, or was it only visible to some?

Jay: Feels like it was seen by those who were meant to see it. “In an abundance of water the fool is thirsty.”

Me: And when you first saw it, what happened, how did people act? What did you believe the light was for? (Pause) It must have caused quite a sensation to those who could see it.

Jay: There’s sand passing over the tops of the dunes as I travelled, as we travelled. It actually was slow steady progress, I don’t see people excited. I see steady perseverance, inquiry; I’m feeling like it was a guiding light.

It was such an amazing journey. I was not, and my eventual companions were not what you would call seasoned travelers. Camels appeared when we needed them. Water and food were offered as soon as we drank our last drop and ate our last bite. We were taken care of in every way you could imagine without any plan of travel. Not once were we bothered or accosted on our trek, only assisted and helped.

Me: I see. Can you tell me where you are from?

Jay: Maltas. Maltas.

Me: Tell me what you did back where you did come from. How did you spend your days?

Jay: In study.

Me: As the teacher, or as a student or was it self-study?

Jay: I see the little white bearded one in front of me, sitting in front of me. He sits cross-legged in front of me, happy, knowledgeable.

Me: Does he seem like your teacher or were you studying together?

Jay: Feels like an older brethren in the path, a guide, a mentor. But he doesn’t seem to want to be called teacher.

Me: What was your main focus of study?

Jay: Joy. Internal discovery, self-fulfilling joy.

Me: And then you found out about the light.

Jay: And then there was the light. It looked like a comet.

Me: And the other fellow with the dark skin, with the black and gold garments, was he someone that joined up with you later?

Jay: Yes, he feels like a joiner. He may have come from elsewhere, feels like northeast Africa, up, feels even farther east than Egypt.

 Me: How did he find you?

Jay: He was simply on his own journey. He was following his own light. We were all doing this. We were following our own light.

 Me: What was that like as you made your way towards where the light was shining?

Jay: Dark, a bit lonely, but with pleasant company. 

Me: Were you excited?

Jay: Sustained, quelled excitement. Contained excitement.

Me: Did you know that the light would be shining upon a baby? Or did you just know to follow the light?

Jay: We just knew to follow the light. We were just following the light. But… (and here Jay begins to whisper) You must know this: The light, it was so unique, and so powerful. And it drew you in and it was…wait, we’ve gotten this story so wrong, So wrong. It’s not at all what we’ve been told….

(A Quantum Healing Christmas Story….To be continued….Part 4, the conclusion to be posted next.)

-For more information about Quantum Healing and Dolores Cannon’s body of work, see QuantumHealingPractitioners.com

-For information about Candace and her Quantum Healing practice see newearthjourney.com

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2014 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

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