
I began this post the day of the school shootings in Connecticut. Before I even became aware of the news, my intuition told me to hold off publishing this article about being afraid. It was too soon. We all needed some time.

What happened in CT is both horrifying and heartbreaking. There is absolutely huge energy attached to the event. There are those who will, who already have, begun to use this tragedy to push their own agendas. They are absolutely counting on you, yes, YOU to continue to contribute your own energy to further their plans. Gun control advocates, yes. Second amendment advocates, yes. The NRA, yes, of course.

They are absolutely counting on your energy of fear. Will you comply? Will you pick a side and officially enter this game of fear? Will you sit in front of the TV and wring your hands and shake your head? Most will. Most already have. This is entering the game and feeding the fear. The thing is, you do not have to immerse yourself in the mainstream media and the negative agendas.

You absolutely can have compassion about the event and the families who are suffering unimaginable grief without 24/7 news updates from “experts.”

We as humans have used fear to keep us safe. Its been very useful, no question about it. The thing is, we don’t have to be afraid any more. There are other, more powerful ways to feel safe!


Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut at

When you are afraid, you project fearful energy and attract more of the same. Rather than focus on your fear, focus on the power you possess that is the opposite. You can choose to project your sovereignty and personal power.  As always, focus on what you do want, not on what you do not want. Look towards where you want to go, not where you do not want to go!

For example, if you are having a health challenge, rather than focusing on being afraid of disease, focus on the opposite, being healthy!  Every time a fearful thought about illness arises, replace it with a thought of vibrant health. If you are afraid of your boss shouting at you, rather than cower when he enters the room, stand tall and confident. If you are afraid of lone, crazy gunmen, well, stop turning on the tv and thinking about them.

So rather than holding on, to your issues or your fears, when they come up, let them go like helium balloons and replace them with your thoughts of loving supportive local communities, personal power, beauty and vibrant health.

“But wait,” I can hear some say, “How will I protect myself if I don’t keep watching tv, arming myself, vaccinating myself, allowing myself to be scanned at the airport, listening to the ‘experts’ who tell me how to be safe?”

Begin to believe, first that you are an eternal being. After that, begin to believe, all the way into the middle of your bones that you are a sovereign and powerful human able to affect your life and your future. It is a big step for many people that the “powers that be” (some call them the “powers that were“) do not want you take.

Just imagine what would happen if others joined you in these concepts?  (They are.) What if our combined focus soon turned overwhelmingly to the positive? (It is.) What if the world could really and truly change? (It has begun to change already.)

Passing through the dates of 12-12-12 and December 21 were significant indeed, even if no outwardly dramatic worldly events accompanied them. Every day, more and more people are waking up to their power and potential and the concept of abundance for all and that in turn lifts our consciousness as a group. Both our individual and human group consciousness is expanding, growing, opening up, lifting up. We are evolving, we really are.

Even when horrific things occur. Perhaps even more so when they do.

(Permission to share this story is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way. Copyright 2012 Candace Craw-Goldman.