Category: Health

Ebola: Real or Fear Porn?

The following blog by Laura Bruno has some wonderful points about this subject. I have copied and pasted part of her article below and the link to the full blog. Most of that New Age mumbo jumbo is (intentional) rubbish, designed to distract and steer you away from real wisdom when you get too close… Read more »

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Quantum Healing Case Study: Anxiety and Diabetes

Not long ago a college-age young man came for a Quantum Healing session. He came quite a long ways and was accompanied by his mother. The main complaint was severe anxiety and type 1 diabetes. He was checking his blood sugar several times a day and using insulin. The very first thing I made sure… Read more »

Consciousness Based Healing After the Great Shift. A NEJ Workshop Feb 23-24.

Well we made it! It is past December 2012 and we are still here, the world did not end. Everything is just exactly like it was before… or is it? Humanity most certainly went through a significant SHIFT last month! I have seen dramatic changes in my own personal reality and life, and many of… Read more »

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"NOW, made with Genetically Modified Ingredients!"

Ever seen that on a food label? Of course you haven’t. The Big Food Corporations know we as humans intrinsically know better and would, if given a choice, avoid such foods. Demand that choice! This is just a personal opinion, but I think God makes better seeds than GMO $cientists. Every day I drive past… Read more »

Jim Self on Judgment

So many people are walking around mad. Or self-righteous. Or both. Most of the time they are looking outside of themselves, at someone else, or a situation and feeling completely justified and, well, superior. They have thoughts like, “If only those people would _________, I would be happy.” or maybe, “That person makes me so… Read more »

"Fix me. I’m Broken."

Does this sound like you? Do you go from doctor to doctor, modality to modality, desperate to find the cure for what ails you? Whether it be cancer, allergies, arthritis, depression or even loneliness, if you are searching for a solution, and think that all you have to do is find the right _______ (doctor,… Read more »

Change is Mandatory

Change is necessary for healing. Mandatory. There is a reason anyone experiences illness, dis-ease of any kind, or even has an “accident”. Discover the reason behind your issue, address it, make a change and you can have healing.
