Ebola: Real or Fear Porn?

The following blog by Laura Bruno has some wonderful points about this subject. I have copied and pasted part of her article below and the link to the full blog.

Most of that New Age mumbo jumbo is (intentional) rubbish, designed to distract and steer you away from real wisdom when you get too close to it. Ditto all the fear and taboos surrounding magic, astrology, energy work, occult symbols and rituals: the extreme association of such things with Satanic activities is to discourage good, would-be empowered white magicians and prayer warriors from claiming their own power to shift things through metaphysical means.

I’m well aware of most of the alternative news and metaphysical spokespeople congratulating themselves for having “seen through the Ebola psyop,” and I wholeheartedly agree that there’s a war on for your mind and emotions. Propaganda, casual hypnosis, Big Pharma profits, government control … they’re all there. In spades. But I’ve got to agree with the now maligned Mike Adams on this one: just because governments and corporations plan to exploit a manufactured crisis doesn’t mean they will skip the step of trying to initiate an actual crisis.”

Please consider reading this article and others that question the information you are being handed and consider that the mainstream and even alternate news sources have agendas.

Laura Bruno on the Ebola Scare.

Believe and STAY in your own personal power!


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