Consciousness Based Healing After the Great Shift. A NEJ Workshop Feb 23-24.

Well we made it! It is past December 2012 and we are still here, the world did not end. Everything is just exactly like it was before… or is it?

Humanity most certainly went through a significant SHIFT last month! I have seen dramatic changes in my own personal reality and life, and many of my friends, colleagues and clients are experiencing something similar.

There have been real energetic changes to our planet and to our physical bodies and to our energetic selves. Many people feel these changes, and yet, many more do not.  Understanding what has happened to our reality can help you ride with the waves of this change. Denying or fighting this new way of being will most likely make your life much more difficult.

“Consciousness Based Healing After the Great Shift”
February 23-24, 2013

I am holding this class in KANSAS next month for all of those interested in some basic understanding of the “new” energies and how they apply to Consciousness and healing.

This workshop Includes CORe Cellular and Organ Regeneration techniques and participation in a group QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (Dolores Cannon) style group Regression.

The class will either be a one day or a two day event depending on the participant’s needs and goals.

Day one 9am-5pm will be an overview of current Consciousness based healing theories and techniques including the QHHT group regression. Selected methods of CORe will be experienced and taught for personal use. Cost 195 dollars.

Includes class materials and organic vegetarian lunch.

Day two 9am-? will be for Healing Practitioners interested in adding CORe to their healing tool box in treating others professionally and will include workbooks and practice and all materials necessary to be able to teach this class themselves (after experience with the method)  in the future. Cost 55 dollars.

Includes expanded workbook and organic vegetarian lunch.

By request: Those who have already attended a CORe workshop, whether or not it was taught by me or another teacher, who have the workbook in hand may attend and participate at a greatly reduced rate. Please email me for specific details.

Location: The lovely Atira Moon farm, east and south of Wichita Kansas.

Reserve your space today by emailing Candace at [email protected]

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