Common Questions I am asked as a Dolores Cannon Practitioner

How did you come to practice Quantum Healing?

In 2008 I had a profound spiritual experience with my personal “Council of Light.” I was given a list of three things I needed to do to be healed of the chronic pain that plagued my life. One of the three things was to have a Past Life Regression.

I had not yet heard of Dolores Cannon at that time,  but events aligned in an extraordinary way and I soon found myself driving to Arkansas to attend her class on Past Life Regression Therapy. I think that it is  important to mention that before I ever left my home I knew with complete certainty in my heart I would be regressed by Dolores as her “demonstration subject” for her class. Even though I did not “throw my hat in the ring” by volunteering as many of my fellow classmates did, Dolores indeed picked me to be her subject. At that very moment, before the regression even began, I knew my entire life would change in a very big way. And so it did.

What happened in your session?

Dolores took me on an adventure of a lifetime while the rest of the class watched. I found myself reliving the life of a primitive human. In that hard, hungry life, I was shunned and ridiculed by others like me primarily because I had “new” thoughts and ideas about how to feed ourselves that involved innovation and teamwork. I was eventually killed by those who were not interested in my ideas of “change”.

When Dolores asked my “Higher Self” why this particular life was shown to me the answer was that I have been on a “Wayshower” path throughout many lifetimes and I was still pursuing that path by introducing innovative ideas about health and healing and the evolution of human consciousness today.

This unique opportunity, having Dolores herself regress me as well as be my teacher has been a solid foundation in my own Quantum Healing practice. Dolores has been doing this work for 40 years. I am blessed to have her as my teacher and mentor.

So, you don’t have to be a classically trained hypnotherapist to practice this method?

Actually, no. Dolores at first began to teach her regression therapy only to those professionally and traditionally trained in hypnosis,  but soon discovered many other spiritually minded and alternative healers were drawn to learn her method as well.  As a matter of fact, Dolores states that some of her best facilitators are ones that come to her without any conventional background in hypnosis. They often are more open to some of the more metaphysical ramifications that often arise. Of course those who have been schooled traditionally also can and have made wonderful Quantum Healing therapists as they have their own previously learned skills to bring to their clients.

How often do you practice the Quantum Healing method?

My life forever changed after I drove home from Dolores’ class in 2008. I began doing as many regressions as I could and I have not stopped since that time. I began giving talks and lectures about Past Life Regression. I began doing group demonstrations and speaking at events and have created “” groups.  I have regressed hundreds of people and  I am currently booking sessions weeks and sometimes months in advance. If you are interested in booking a session, the sooner you contact me the better. I will only do one session per day.

Please see my website for more details and session rates by clicking  HERE.

Have you taken the advanced training with Dolores?

Yes, several times.

Candace and Dolores in Arkansas 2011

Are you really able to heal any physical or emotional problem I might have? I’ve watched Dolores on YouTube and she says she can heal anything.

Dolores does not heal anyone. Neither do I.  We are merely facilitators of an amazing method that has the ability to allow the client to heal themselves. All healing is self-healing, and both of us believe that no one can be a healer for anyone else, but merely a guide or helper. This includes standard medical treatment from doctors. This also includes any spiritual type healing from any spiritual or religious figure!

The higher self absolutely has the ability to heal the conscious mind and physical body. It can do so instantly, and I have personally been witness to that. The important concept to remember is that we as humans have free will. Our conscious mind can override signals, suggestions and even pure energetic healing from our higher selves. So even when our conscious mind claims it wants to be healed, there are times it actually blocks the healing.

I’ve seen healing happen immediately, gradually over time and, not at all. It is highly variable and depends on many factors. There are concrete ways to increase your chances of healing, and those are shared with clients before and after the Quantum Healing session. Look for more blog articles on this subject soon.

What is this support group you mention? Can you tell me more?

With Dolores’ blessing, not long after taking the class in 2008, I created an online Yahoo group for some of her students so we could talk about our work and share information. Our group steadily grew and to date has nearly 1000 members worldwide. Not long ago we outgrew the Yahoo interface and we are about to launch our brand new bulletin board style support forum and community.

I remain Managing Director of the Quantum Healing Support Forum.  Along with a team of Quantum Healing Ambassadors, we provide direct contact with Dolores, continuing education of her methods by offering assistance and service to others and the ability to collaborate on group projects. Every one who completes Dolores’ training has access to this community and the information provided is critical for those just beginning to learn her amazing method.

Most importantly with the creation of this forum, Dolores has in effect, created an amazing community of those working in the light and towards the evolution of humanity. We are a community of Dedicated Quantum Healing Practitioners who come together to share, help each other and facilitate healing for our clients, ourselves, and the planet itself.

We are truly now, in 2012 on the journey to the New Earth.

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