Dolores Cannon: Communicating from Beyond the Veil.

Dolores Cannon passed away just about six months ago, on October 18, 2014.

Since that time those that knew and loved her, those who practice her method of consciousness exploration and healing and even some people who never even heard of Dolores Cannon at all have been receiving messages and communication from her via intuition, dreams, regression sessions and visions.

I have been blessed to receive extraordinary information from Dolores myself and have had clients who have been the messenger or voice for her. I have also had dozens of very vivid dream communications and intuition hits.

None of this surprises me nor those who knew her. Dolores perfected the whole idea of communicating across time and space!

Please consider joining us on the Metaphysical Hour internet radio show this evening, April 10, 2015 at 5pm Pacific Time. If you are reading this article in the future, you can access the show archives HERE.

Here is one of the stories I might be telling this evening. It is one of my own personal dreams. Enjoy!

Dolores was in the lecture hall with more information about healing and health.

She was showing us that the brain acts as a receiver for the mind/consciousness of the person much like a tv set or a radio. We have all heard that before but she was making a point to separate the brain from the body for this particular teaching.

“Today I just want you to focus on your body. Yes, your thoughts do affect your body but many choices you make OTHER than your thoughts affect your body as well.”

She was saying, “Now its a bit more complicated than what I am about to show you but you can think about your body in this simplified way.” She was using 3D holographic imagery on the stage to demonstrate.

I looked around and saw more people entering the lecture hall. (Practitioners and clients and friends.)

Dolores pulled “a body” from the air in front of her to explain. This body, for the demonstration was something like a mannequin, it was see-through, like a bubble or plastic, but it moved much like a real body. It floated in front of her as she talked.

X-ray with brain and spinal cord concept

“This body of yours is a remarkable thing. It is designed so beautifully. It is capable of so much more than what you might realize. It is also very much affected by its environment and other factors.”

Dolores then looked up to the body and began explaining what we were seeing. The body, just as if it were alive began eating!

Dolores said, “Here is what the body looks like when it is eating junk food. Things loaded with chemicals and not very nutritious.”

The body began to consume what looked like chips and cookies and donuts and fast food items. You could see the colors of the junk food. Mostly gray. The junk food was also lumpy and gooey and you could see the food enter the body and start to spread out and fill up the whole body. The body looked visibly tired and weighed down and there was little to no movement of energy with in it.

Dolores said, “Okay, got that? Let’s move on.”

The body cleared back up to empty/neutral and floated in front of Dolores waited.

Dolores said “Here is what the body looks like when it is eating a variety of fruits and vegetables. I want you to pay attention to the different groups of fruits and vegetables…there are four groups.”

“One group is freshly picked and organic. The second group is also organic, but not freshly picked, perhaps many days after being picked. The third group is non-organic or GMO fruits and vegetables freshly picked and the fourth group is non-organic or GMO fruits and vegetables many days old.”

When eating from the first group, the colors, energies and geometries that entered into and enlivened the body was beautiful to behold. I was reminded of Emoto’s water crystals, but these were 3D and all the colors of the rainbow. The energy pulsed and glowed.

Then the body went back to neutral/clear and then ate from the second group. The colors and geometries were similar to the first group but they were subdued, not as bright or big or as colorful, they were not as “alive.”

The third group was pretty interesting to view. The colors were bright but not clear or pure. There were dark patches, grey patches, and heaviness moving throughout the colors that were there. The geometries were not symmetrical. There were broken parts and pieces. The energies moved, but were erratic. Something like watching a car drive on a flat tire.

The fourth group had faded drastically in color and the movements were slowed way down. There was much gray color and black splotches and heaviness, but there was still more color visible here than in the “junk food” demonstration.

Dolores looked out to us and said, “If you could see the energy of the thing that you are putting into your body, you might start to eat differently.”

“Now lets look at what eating meat looks like!”

Two cows, two pigs, two chickens and two fish floated near the body.

Of the animal pairs, one of each looked lively and normal. The other looked miserable and somewhat ill/deformed/injured.

Dolores said, the first of the animals is an animal that actually lives like the animal intended. On grass or land or in the water. The second animal is factory raised or farmed.

The animals floated one by one towards the body and gave a piece of themselves for it to consume.

The dream vision gets very complex here and a swirling motion shows all possible stories about the animals and the body’s choices. Some of it was quite disturbing– as some of the animal’s “story” and energy was consumed along with the meat.

In one view, the body faces and directly thanks the cow that gives a piece of itself to consume. The energy and geometries from that meat was far different than the energy and geometries from the factory farmed animal that was cared for and not thanked.

But even in the very best case, the meat energy was not as pure or bright or beneficial to the body as ANY of the organic fruits and vegetables.

The wild fish that was blessed and thanked had the purest of the meat energy/geometries to offer the body. It was interesting how blue and green the fish energy was. It was higher and lighter. The chicken energy wasn’t awful when it was “free range” and thanked, but it was about as dense and ugly and lumpy/dark as the mammal meat when it was factory farmed.

Dolores reminded us how important it was to BLESS our food, as it increased the energetic potential of every type.

At this point I wondered about eggs and milk and cheese but Dolores did not go there! Ha. (Maybe I can find out later!)

Dolores then waved her arms and all the animals left and the body returned to neutral.

Then she showed other scenarios about life like exercise vs sedentary, city verses country life, home life with a loving family, supportive relationships verses antagonistic ones, abusive relationships, all kinds of work and school and military and political and play environments, hospital environments and more.

Then it was like a symphony and dance started and many 3D bodies showed up and you could watch the bodies as all the combinations began displaying themselves.

So for example there was a body that ate clean, fresh organic produce, and had a supportive family and went to a harsh work environment…it was able to stay brighter and more alive than another body who ate junk food and was in a troubled relationship.

One could follow any of the combinations possible just by thinking or imagining.

I thought about a person who ate clean fresh produce and fish, exercised and loved their job and lived in the country and got to see exactly that.

After a little bit Dolores waved her hands and all but one 3D body disappeared.

She said. “Now please remember I’m trying to make this as simple as possible. There are many other things can can come into play about health, but I hope that this helps you understand that some of your choices can be very important and make a big difference in how you feel.”

End of Dream.

Dolores is still communicating, still teaching, very much alive in this other place, this other time. She reminds us that ANYONE who wishes to can connect in with her energy and her information with the simple intention to do so.

-For information about Candace and her Quantum Healing practice see

For more information about Dolores Cannon and her body of work, see

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2015 Candace Craw-Goldman.

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