Dolores Cannon Teaching in the Dreamstate

Here is another dream communication I had from Dolores Cannon. Presented in classic Cannon form, straightforward and easy enough for anyone to understand. I hope you find the information beneficial.

Here is my dream!

Dolores, you are back! I am so happy to see you.

Yes I am back. (Laughing) It’s a lot of fun being multidimensional. You are multidimensional too you know, but its easier to understand and play with from where I am now. I am absolutely visiting many of my students and communicating. You just don’t know how much fun I am having!

Candace, I know you have always been especially interested in the physical healing of the body. There is so much I can tell you now about how all of that works.


Tonight I am going to describe something called “version states.” You keep within your energy field a variety of easily accessible set points or version states. To keep things simple in explaining this, let’s just say some of these states are more healthy than others.

Your body automatically selects a version state depending on the emotion you are feeling. Your body is literally and actually in a different and healthier state when you are happy verses when you are sad or angry. You know this already, but what I am trying to explain to you is that each one of them is a completely different physical body and you rotate through a great many of them during the course of a day.

You have several “favorite” version states you “dial into” during a normal day. You have one when you wake up. And, you have a different one when you wake up on a day you are going to do something fun or on a day of vacation verses waking up on a day you might dread. You have one when you are walking in a park, one where you are petting a dog, one where you are giving or receiving a hug. If you could just see how powerful hugs are everyone would be hugging each other all the time!

If you are a person who is easily or often angry or sad, then your “favorite” body versions reflect that too and those versions are not very nice to your physical body! If you constantly deal with negative people and let them “get to you” you might have a body version for that situation. Most people can’t hold a positive body version around negative people. Some can, but most cannot, which is another reason its good to stay away from them if you can. Its just good for your health!

Most people have a body version that exists just for their doctor! Its so interesting how this works. They can literally be in one body when they are in the parking lot of a doctor’s office and be in a different body when they open the door to go in for an appointment. You are constantly switching and choosing your body based upon your situation and especially based upon your emotions. I will have so much more to say about this. Especially about how doctors and hospitals affect the body.

This is why it is so important to do things that you love to do. This is why and how JOY heals the body. You are in a different body when you are happy and it is the healthiest body version you can choose.

I know you have lots of questions and I have much more to share but that it is it for now. Its easier for us both to give small pieces of information at a time. I’ll be back and this communication will get even easier over time.

Tell everyone I am fine. I am having a ball.

I would even say that I am having the time of my “life!”

-For information about Candace and her Quantum Healing practice see
For more information about Quantum Healers see
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