Introducing: Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Information Network

Dolores has an online, worldwide, Community of Dedicated Practitioners who help support each other using her Quantum Healing method by sharing stories and comparing notes.

The goal of the Quantum Healing Information Network is to bring together some of these Dedicated Practitioners and invite YOU, the public, into their conversations! We plan to provide you with not only fascinating session details and stories but information and advice you might find helpful in your own life.

We debut our Network with a YouTube video with Lorna Wilson where we touch upon some of the most common “new earth” advice discovered during Quantum Healing sessions.

Future shows will be uploaded here, or you can subscribe directly to the YouTube channel for updates.

Thanks to all for sharing this video far and wide!

Candace Craw-Goldman

Managing Director Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Support Forum

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