Lots of News at New Earth Journey!

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Coffee break in the Wellness Studio. Photo by Lauren Turner.

I’ve been thinking for a long time about creating some new projects and I am off and running on all of them. Today’s article is just a brief one to share my excitement, give you some links, and set the stage for upcoming events and news.

The first fun news to share is that New Earth Journey is now on BBS Internet Radio! Biweekly, Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern time. My first show was July 21. MP3s are available in the BBS archives and you can also subscribe to my show via iTunes podcasts. Shows will also be uploaded to my YouTube channel.

In this first show I just tell listeners a bit about myself, my family, where I come from and why I am creating the show. I briefly tell the story about a profound spiritual experience that brought me to Arkansas and Dolores Cannon in 2008 and how my whole world and life changed after that event.

Upcoming shows will feature well-known visionaries, authors, teachers, and spiritual leaders and some guests who are new or up and coming whom you might not have heard of just yet. I also want to invite interesting and inspiring people from all walks of life who might not be on anyone’s radar or talk show list! I especially want to focus on some people who live right in my own neighborhood. People from Kansas or Oklahoma who have great stories and or wonderful information to share.

JP Sears, and authors Sherry Wilde and Ari Kopel and others have all graciously agreed to upcoming shows! And my new, dear sweet friendĀ Kathleen McGowan, New York Times bestselling author of The Magdalene Line series so generously offered to do the same when I was too shy to ask directly. I will have a lot more to share about Kathleen and her work and the amazing magical Magdalene tour to the South of France I had with her and a wonderful group of people in June 2015. A few of these fun new friends have also agreed to come on to the show!

And of course, I will have colleagues, my dear Quantum Healing Practitioner family and friends. So many of them have jaw-dropping stories to tell. šŸ™‚

The next show is very soon, Tuesday, August 4, 2015 and features my lovely friend Heather Alice Shea! Heather is an amazing person, an intuitive, empath and coach who is passionate about teaching people how to connect to their own Higher Selves! Heather will be telling us about her brand new 6 week program coming up called “How to Become Your Higher Self.”

Next, we have my New Earth Journey Video series called “See a Red Bird.” Many of you have already seen the trailer. Filmmaker Cherokee Turner of Avid ProductionsĀ and I are working on that episode and more! This one below, ET inspired, will be the first one. Then will likely beĀ the healing story of a woman who goes back into time to better understand the relationship she had with her late father. Her session brought significant healing to a bleeding disorder.

In another new episode planned to be filmed next month, a man who is living with his third human heart discovers his soul contracts with the people who were the organ donors to replace his own original failing heart!

Cherokee is also working on an independent film project called People Inspiring People!

Finally, I have found myself being called back to the artist and painter within me. Traveling to France this past summer and standing before many magnificent works of painting and sculpture and needlework and jewelry and more while exploring the Divine Feminine has reawakened my desire to create in that way. I will soon be offering New Earth Journey Soul Portrait commissioned artwork for either Quantum Healing clients or those who connect with me via Skype or telephone!

My artistic sense is strong and dramatic and tends to incorporate 3D materials in an assemblage style. My background in painting includes a Bachelor and Master of Fine Arts degree in Drawing and Painting, something I had set aside to do my other, more spiritual work for many years. So I am thrilled to re-stock my studio with new paints and brushes and more. I am working on three Soul portraits right now. Mary Magdalene, a lovely client and friend who melded with a tree years ago, and the man previously mentioned above, The Man with 3 Hearts.

Thank you all for accompanying me on this amazing, New Earth Journey!

