New Earth Journey to Host CORe Workshop May 5-6, 2012

I am pleased to announce that I will be teaching my very first CORe Workshop near Wichita Kansas in a few short weeks at our lovely Atira Moon Farm.

The Cell and Organ Regeneration (CORe) Program is a consciousness based program founded on the scientific research of Grigori Grabovoi, Arcady Petrov, and others. This workshop focuses upon the experience of the CORe method and it is also sometimes referred to as DNA Healing. The primary goal of this method is having you “become the person that you and the Creator intended you to be.”

Achieving health and balance is our birthright as human beings.

Number Code for Expansion of Consciousness

Medicine will, many believe, soon evolve from a predominantly physical treatment of the body where the focus is on the treatment of individual symptoms, to a holistic consideration. One day it will become the norm to consider the whole person, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, to achieve optimum health.

Are you tired of being given drugs or chemicals to help you “be healthy”? Learn some techniques that use the most powerful gifts you possess: Your consciousness and your free will.

Level ONE – Introduction and Self Healing: You will receive a series of “Processes” and unique “Healing Number Codes” which will enable you to correct functioning of the physical body. You will begin works of regeneration and restoration of body cells and organs. Prerequisite: None, although some experience with energy work is helpful.

Level TWO – Practitioner (Optional second day): The focus will include more Processes and Number Codes. There will be more information on the practical application of the work and you as the facilitator for others and also for you, as possible teacher of the method. Prerequisite: CORe Level One.

The CORe workshop is not only for physical restoration of the individual, but also how to harmonize all of what is in your life: Your environment, your family and relationships, the planet and beyond.

For more information  and details please email me at [email protected]

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