Nikkie Gray: "What I Learned From Dolores Cannon’s Work & How It Changed My Life"

The following is an article written by Nikkie Gray. I read it a few days ago via Consciousness-Evolution. As a practitioner of Dolores Cannon’s method of Quantum Healing, I would have to state that many, if not most of my clients sit down in the chair for their Quantum Healing session appointment and repeat Nikkie’s statement that “Dolores Cannon Changed my Life.”

Nikkie and I had a brief exchange when I asked permission to reblog her article. She told me the following,

“When I was reading the book, so many synchronistic things happened that just validated all the information that was being presented. I felt truly blessed to have the knowledge and I knew I had to share what I had discovered with others which is what inspired me to write the article.

Synchronicity and Dolores Cannon’s name just go hand in hand. Nice to meet you Nikkie, and thanks for allowing me and other Practitioners of Dolores Cannon’s method to share your article-

Many Blessings-

Candace Craw-Goldman

What I Learned From Dolores Cannon’s Work & How It Changed My Life


 Dolores Cannon is a hypnotherapist, UFO investigator, and paranormal researcher who has been sharing information and insights into the findings of her extensive work for the past 40 years. She is a master hypnotherapist who takes her clients to the somnambulistic level where, as she states, most hypnotherapists don’t dare to go. She has brought to light a whole host of ancient knowledge which has either been lost to or hidden from the human population for various reasons.

This article has been almost a year in the making, as I first discovered Dolores around March 2014. Jeff Roberts, a very talented CE writer, wrote an article about her which you can view here. I had heard about Dolores in 2011 but wasn’t able to find the time to look into her work, but as always in life, we tend to come upon things just when we need them.

I found Jeff’s article, and after reading it I watched as many YouTube videos of Dolores’ lectures as I could find. I avidly took notes while watching, because many of her talks were answering questions I already had regarding the planetary shift that is happening right now, among other things. I knew I had to get some of her books, and I did!

I read many of the comments posted on Jeff’s article and immediately noticed a trend; either they knew of Dolores and were happy to see an article written about her, they dismissed her as crazy, or they were simply unwilling to believe. It seemed like the ones who dismissed her work had never even taken the time to look into any of it. She’s been doing this for 40 years so there is plenty of material to look into – it can be a bit overwhelming, for sure –  but I think it’s really important when researching this kind of work to be open-minded.

When I first began writing this article I was going to call it, “Why this is the most important time in the history of the Universe,” to continue the discussion that Jeff started and to perhaps help clarify and share further information on her work for those who didn’t have the time to do the research or the money to buy her books. However, while in the midst of writing this article in October of last year, Dolores passed away, and my writing was put on hold. I felt like I had lost a great mentor and the world had lost a valuable conduit. I know death is not the end though; Dolores is guiding us still and her work carries on. I just hope that by sharing what I have learned and the questions that were answered for me, it might answer some of your own questions in turn and inspire you to buy some of her books research further into her fascinating work.

The Awakening/Planetary Shift

I awakened in January 2011. I’m not going to go into detail about what that was like though. It’s a pretty cool (but long)


story and I’m sure many reading this article are already familiar with the process. After I awakened I asked the question, “Now what?”. I didn’t know what my next steps were going to be. I believed there was a planetary shift happening but I didn’t know the reason behind it, what it meant for our species and others in the galaxy, or what the end result of it would be. That conclusion is what really interested me. Today I find that many of the people I speak with from all around the world are in a similar state of confusion that I was in 4 years ago.

“It is not so much to be with those in a higher vibration because they can fend for themselves. And it is not for those who are in deep negativity that we must be next to either. It is for those who are in the midst of confusion, but are perhaps ready to make a jump, that we can be most helpful to.” The SC (Sub-Conscious that speaks through Dolores’ clients) – The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth

I hope this information will bring some clarity to those who desperately need it and are ready for it. Here’s what I have learned:

When The Awakening Started


The Awakening or the shift started more or less in the 1960s. As explained through Dolores’s work, souls that had never been to Earth before began incarnating on the planet (Jeff also explains this in his article). Their frequencies were not like ours. They were higher, and their presence began to raise the vibrations of the people and the planet. There were three waves of these pure souls, and if you look back at the social climate of that time, you can see their influence. The 60s were a time of great change and social upheaval, and so the idea of the Awakening at this time really resonated with me; it just made sense. Earth was created to be a school for all beings wishing to achieve accelerated soul growth. We incarnate on the planet to learn lessons, to have experiences, to grow and to play. We also have been trying to get out of the karmic cycle, but that is a separate and lengthy topic that you can read more about in her books. We also plan our lives, but again, that is too much of a digression – I did write an article about it though which you can view here. The time we are experiencing now is what would be called graduation. We are graduating to the next step in our soul evolution; the next stage of consciousness.

For many, the evolution started with the Quickening. Even people who have no clue about the awakening are saying that they feel like time is going by extremely quickly. The Quickening is being caused by the vibrations moving at a faster rate. You can either go with the vibrations and match it, making yours faster (the Quickening) as well, or you can get stuck. Many people on Earth are refusing to make their vibrations faster, causing them to become an opposing force. The people who have raised their vibrations can feel this opposing force, and in raising their vibration, they allow their very DNA to be changed. We are graduating, and graduation is a choice. It’s a pretty exciting time to be living in!

Why The Awakening Started

When the first atomic bomb was set off, a call was put out to the universe that the Earth was in trouble. This call was answered by many souls who volunteered to come to Earth, many of whom had never been here before. Some were asked, with the option to say no, but they all came (however hesitantly). Earth is one of the hardest planets to incarnate onto, one of the hardest schools so to speak. So after the first atomic bomb detonation, these volunteers began being born with one goal, and that one goal was to shift the energy and the consciousness of this planet and its people, because we were headed down the wrong path as a species and beginning to harm the planet irreparably. The pure souls have been successful I feel and Earth is now shifting into her next incarnation and taking her best students with her. If you’ve done research into ancient cultures from around the world, you might have found that this evolution has happened before with different groups of people. Dolores does touch on this in some of the books I’ve read., along with Spirit Science and many others.

(When speaking about a whole group or civilization that shifted from 3rd dimensional reality to another dimension.)

“By coming and taking on the physical and being forerunners. It’s very important to create a mold, to create a track. People can entrain to what has happened. The first ones, it’s more difficult, then it becomes easier. You have a term for that: the hundredth monkey. You make it easier for others if you’ve made the path. And time is all one. So it’s always been known there would be a time for the need to ascension of sorts, of shift, of transformation, of transcendence.” The SC – The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth

How To know If You Are In The Process Of Awakening


To view a detailed article with Awakening Symptoms click here.

Physical Changes Of The Body And Why Your DNA Will Be changing

Our DNA is changing to hold new energy and the new frequency. The infusion of higher vibrations on to the planet is causing dormant DNA to be activated. As our DNA is activated, our bodies begin to change.

Dolores: “Is this changing of DNA going to have an affect on psychic abilities?” 

SC: “Yes. People will become more much more telepathic. No need for words, communicating through the heart and the thought blocks. No way to lie or cheat. You won’t need to.”

By raising our vibrations our bodies begin to change, and we will begin to reject certain things and lifestyles that once seemed normal. The awakening symptoms article goes into great detail about these changes but one thing I can’t stress enough to make the transition easier is changing your diet. Many people have a hard time with this, but if you are truly dedicated to shifting into the next stage of your evolution then it’s something you must consider.

“Throughout my work, my subjects are being told that they must change their diet in order to make the adjustment into the new world. Our bodies must become lighter, and this means the elimination of heavy foods. During the sessions, my clients are repeatedly warned to stop eating meat (beef and pork especially), mainly because of the additives and chemicals that are being fed into the animals.” – Dolores Cannon, The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth

“Dolores: “Will we still consume food?”

SC: “Well, you’re going to stop killing animals to eat them because eating the vibrations of a creature will now make you very, very sick. You will eat more watery things, and when you plant your food, you’re going to plant not with quantity but a quality of love and it will bring in the higher vibrations when you plant your trees and the fruits are going to be higher vibrational, so you don’t need to eat as much anymore.”

For further study of how to change your diet for the better, please watch the Documentary ‘Origins’. I’ll leave a link below to access the films website. One thing the documentary shares is the importance of eating raw foods. I have implemented this into my life and I feel amazing. I have also been a vegetarian since I awakened in January 2011.

Those Being Left Behind

From what I understand of the people who will not go is that whether they are conscious of it or not, it is their choice to go to 5th Dimensional Reality. The choice is made by your vibration and through that, your reality is set. One thing I thought was so cute about Dolores is that as she is discovering that people will be left behind and the SC is telling her this, she is just shocked and thinks it’s totally un-fair which I felt the same too when I first started reading about it until I understood that it’s not really them being left behind, but actually they are choosing not go.

SC: “… time flew for the Gaia to graduate and take her best students with her and leave behind the destruction and corruption and negativity and darkness. It’s like she’s splitting off, morphing into two.”

 Dolores: “The ones who are left behind…their DNA has not been changed?


SC: “No, they won’t allow it.”

Dolores: “So it’s a personal choice then?”

SC: “Yes”

“Those who have not become enlightened will have to return to another, denser planet that is still involved with negativity, to work out their remaining karma.” – Dolores Cannon, The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth 

Extraterrestrial Influence


ET influence is far greater than I think anyone could ever imagine. After I read the book, my mind was “pretzeled,” as Dolores calls it. I just did not know how to accept the information being presented to me. The first thing I thought is, “Can all that actually be possible and if it is, Holy $@#%!” The book talks about Earth’s origins: who created the Earth, why it was created, and how aliens have been a part of everything since creation. Visions I had were validated through the SC and Dolores. I never told anyone about the visions I had because it was just way too out of this world to even speak about, yet here they were, the things that I had seen, written in this book. Aside from the origins, I also learned about ET influence (much more than I could even imagine) and about the difference between good aliens (ones that help), neutral aliens, and not so good aliens (ones that don’t help).

SC: “There are beings that we consider not very spiritually evolved. That does not mean they are negative. We have no negativity within the Universe. There is no positive and no negative. There is only the beauty of the One. What we have are beings who have not evolved spiritually as we would wish, but we would not call them negative. I wanted to bring out, for example, the ET beings that are working with your government. Those beings are here for their own purposes to get metals from the Earth and different chemicals, elements and things that they can use. Sometimes they take out more of this than they tell the government. We don’t approve of this, but we have allowed them to come because the vibration of the planet is lower and they can come into this vibration and communicate with governments. This does not mean they are negative. They are growing spiritually. And we allow them to come in. They are not harming the planet because they have learned that they must give. And they are giving technology to the government. So it’s a give and take. We disagree, but they are not negative. Some beings here think on terms of good or evil, and that is really not the way to look at it. It should be looked at in terms of spiritual advancement. Some of these beings just aren’t as spiritually advanced.” – The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth

The last sentence is what really got me to look at it in a different way. Over the years I have read about the underground


bases and the atrocities that are going on at the hands of alien beings (supposedly) and I was sickened. After reading the book, I began to view the aliens in exactly the same way that I view humans who do “negative” things;  I used to be sickened by what humans did at one point too. A couple of years ago I found out that humans play roles, and that the “negative” roles (people who do really bad things like hurt, oppress, violate, etc.) are nothing more than that – roles – for inside there is still a perfect, beautiful, good natured soul wishing to experience soul growth, create it for others, or clear up karma. I then started to view aliens the same way. If these beings are truly doing horrible things to humans, while I don’t condone their actions, I believe that like all things in life, we create our own circumstances and choose to participate in them, whether consciously or otherwise. I know many people will have a hard time accepting that but I believe it’s true. Like all things created, we created it for many reasons.

How I Am applying What I learned To My Life

The main thing I got from all of her work is that we’re moving from our 3 dimensional reality to the 5th. This process is not just life changing and beautiful but also destructive and extremely hard. I mean really, really hard. But I’ve learned that it’s my choice to raise my vibration and I can do so by making great changes in my life, such as forgiving others and myself, being of service and generous to those who need me, and being conscious of my actions and words. I can also be aware of what I put into my body and be mindful of who I am and why I am here – to graduate to my next level of consciousness. Even if by chance none of what Dolores talks about is true and it’s all complete fantasy, it doesn’t matter, for I will have created for myself the best life any person could ask for. Applying what I’ve learned to my life has made me a better person and I feel like if I died tomorrow, I would be filled with gratitude, not regrets. How could I ask for more than that? Also, I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pretty tired of this 3rd dimensional reality. There are so many horrible things happening around the planet, and everything we come into contact with is poisonous. In all honesty, I find it completely overwhelming most of the time. Plus our beautiful planet is being destroyed. People have asked me what will happen to the greedy and corrupt people in positions of power, or people who are just generally negative, and as I understand it, they will be left with what they’ve created. If they are in a low vibration, they will stay in 3rd dimension reality along with our dying eco-system, horrors like Fukushima, and all the other messes they have created. I think those that are playing the “negative” roles knew they weren’t going to shift because they hadn’t cleared up enough karmas to go on, so they volunteered to play those roles to help us. I don’t hate those that oppress us, human or non-human. I feel grateful to them.

Dolores’ books changed my life. I’ve read a couple of them and I plan to read more. I’m not saying that everything she says is true and you must believe it all. It’s up for you to decide what you wish to believe and what you feel resonates with you the most. I think her work offers valuable information and another possibility for truth. It has not only answered some of the questions I had that I couldn’t for the life of me find the answers to, but has also validated visions I had and things my spirit guides said. More importantly,  (and this is what really did it for me) it was all synchronistically done is such a crazy way that I can’t deny it. I hope that those who are searching for answers and some clarity in the midst of all this confusion (because there is tons) will find that and I believe Dolores Cannons’ work is a great start.

Below are some topics that I couldn’t fit into the article that might further peak your interest to get some of her books:

The Healers, Non-Interference Areas, Upgrades, The Council of Nine, Early Wake Up Call for Some, Physical ET Visitations, The Grid, The Chaos, Diseases, The “Safety Net” Illusion, Not Looking Back, The Illusion of Age, Spiritual Coasting, The Many Styles of Awakening, Simultaneous Lives, Reincarnation Pattern Changing, and so much more!

I’d like to end this with my favourite quote from her.


“The choice of transformation is Ours – and all possible worlds are waiting to be explored.”

Thank you Dolores and to all those close to her that help carry on her work. She is a beautiful soul and I’m glad I found her work. It truly did change my life.

Like with my articles before, if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to email me. ([email protected])

Dolores Cannon on CE Radio –

“We Are Living in The Most Important Time in The History of The Universe” Dolores Cannon Discusses Our Current Paradigm – By Jeff Roberts


 About the author

Nikkie Gray

I am a writer, teacher and spiritual medium just doing my thing, being human trying to help as many people as I can. I have so much gratitude for everything and can’t help but smile through all the craziness. My speciality at the moment is assisting those who are awakening. If you need assistance with your awakening process or healing, please don’t hesitate to email me or check out my website for more details. I see you, you are loved, we’re all in this together :) Join me and my soul sister on Facebook: Email: [email protected]

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