Quantum Healing Questions

Every day I get phonecalls and letters from people inquiring about Quantum Healing and Dolores Cannon’s work. Today I was about to answer the following email when I asked permission of this person if I could answer these questions in public via my blog.

Hi Candace,

I contacted you earlier this summer and you were able to help me find a Quantum Healing Practitioner close by, so thanks for that. Since my session I have bought many of Dolores Cannon’s books and watched a ton of her videos, I’ve had an incredible awakening and awesome journey these past 5 months.

I like to think of myself as someone with a pretty open mind and find that most people say they are open minded but really aren’t. So I’m going to ask you a couple of questions that have been driving me a little crazy.

The first question:

 Ok so why would Source energy/God make us (no free choice) go through the life review process and have to reincarnate? I don’t think anyone can get rid of karma 100 percent, no way. So it seems we all just keep coming back 🙁 and can’t escape.

Second question:

Dolores has said in many of her videos “We can’t  know our past lives when we come back” and also says “It wouldn’t be a test if we knew the answers”. This doesn’t make sense to me, why would Source Energy/God test us? Isn’t that kind of mean? Is it possible there is something more sinister going on here? What am I missing? I’m hoping for peace of mind.



Hi Lee

I’m glad you found the Quantum Healing helpful and healing for your life. Let me see if I can answer these questions for you with Dolores’ teachings and the information that Quantum Healing has brought to the world in mind as I do.

First of all, God/Source tells us repeatedly that the choice to incarnate is ours alone. No one or no power “makes” us do anything. We truly are our own creator, we are a PART of God that is experiencing Himself through us by providing the sense of separation while we are experiencing life as a human being.

The life review process is also a choice and it is our own higher aspect or soul that is reviewing the life just lived. No one judges us, we truly judge ourselves! If you find yourself in judgment by another, you are being deceived!

Dolores believes that karma is in fact coming to an end with life on this planet as we evolve our consciousness. I have to agree. In every Quantum Healing session I facilitate, I inquire about remaining karmic contracts, connections or debts for my clients. A good number of clients come to their sessions already having released all remaining karma, and nearly all of the rest of them release any remaining karma during the session itself.

Anyone can release all karma and also, any contracts they have made to give up their sovereignty. Simply ask for forgiveness from, and for, any person either physically in real life, or if that is not possible silently imagine your Higher Self addressing and forgiving and asking for forgiveness of any other Higher Self.

For the second part, state out loud that you revoke any and all contracts or agreements that you have ever made in this incarnation or in any other, and that you had agreed to give up your energy or sovereignty.

It truly is that easy if you do this from your heart. It cannot hurt to do this daily along with your prayers, and be sure to concentrate on peace and gratitude!

You have agreed to a physical existence as a human being for expansion and growth for your soul to benefit the expansion of God/Source so that it may KNOW ITSELF.

Before entering the human vehicle you yourself created a plan of sorts for your life. You had goals you wished to accomplish, things you wished to experience or learn during this particular life. But if you already knew what all of those things were, or how it would all turn out, it wouldn’t quite be the same as if you had a clean slate on which to discover those things. That is what Dolores means by “test.”

For example, you might enter a life with one great goal to learn what it feels like to be completely dependent upon another human being, perhaps by being “disabled” in some way. But, if during that life you still turned away everyone who wished to assist you, or help you, because you insisted on being independent despite your “disability,” you would not be experiencing what you set out to experience.

It is during the life review that one is able to see how they fared with their goals for that existence. It is very common for souls to repeat similar lives again and again to be able to thoroughly understand and learn things like compassion, forgiveness, humility or grace. And some lives are simply lived to learn about things like patience, or how to have joy or passion in thoroughly human endeavors like dancing or painting or singing.

So, no one is testing us but us, and there is nothing mean or sinister going on whatsoever. Truly!

We are right in the middle of a tremendous shift of consciousness and growth in human history. Every person on this planet has agreed to be here at this auspicious time.

We are in the middle of this amazing and exhilarating ride. So, do try to enjoy yourself! Find and follow your passion or your bliss. Afterall, it is why you are here, Lee.

Much love,


Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2013 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

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