Quantum Healing and Your Imagination

Our imagination is the most important faculty we possess. It can be our greatest resource or our most formidable adversary. It is through our imagination that we discern possibilities and options. Yet imagination is no mere blank slate on which we simply inscribe our will. Rather, imagination is the deepest voice of the soul and can be heard clearly only through cultivation and careful attention. A relationship with our imagination is a relationship with our deepest self.

Mark Shimada from “The Edge of Not-Knowing”

As a Quantum Healing Practitioner, I know very well how important the imagination is, in our Quantum Healing work, and in our lives.

I find myself however, having to repeatedly defend this notion, because we were not raised with this important idea, rather we were brainwashed from the very start to mistrust our imagination. Truth be told, since we were old enough to play with the faeries in the garden, have tea with our “make-believe” friends, or have long conversations with our pets we were told, instructed and yes, I believe forced to live life belittling this powerful animator of our very selves.

open door

Image courtesy of Master isolated images at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The last two sentences of Shimada’s quote are in my view, priceless. Especially if you have decided to explore the deeper realms of your SELF with methods such as shamanic journeying, meditation or using Dolores Cannon’s method of Quantum Healing.

…imagination is the deepest voice of the soul and can be heard clearly only through cultivation and careful attention. A relationship with our imagination is a relationship with our deepest self.

Record your dreams. Daydream. Meditate. Pretend. Play. Draw. Build a sandcastle. Doodle. Sing. Blow Bubbles. Stretch the muscles of your imagination, wake it up from its slumbering state and feed it before your session. Give it some life! If you take the time to give your imagination some love and attention every day, starting right now, you will have a more developed, richer and more satisfying experience in your explorations.

I promise you will.

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2013 Candace Craw-Goldman. newearthjourney.com

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