Readers’ Questions on Quantum Healing. Sadness, Healing and Connection.

Dear Candace,

I was wondering something about the healing potential of the SC (The Higher Self.) Is anything possible? For example, I have heard of miraculous healing of someone’s spine, but say someone has a broken tooth, would the SC be able to fix that?

Can healing happen even if we don’t believe that it is possible? For example, when I imagine what is possible, it seems like a great deal would be possible with soft tissue, but I have a hard time imagining that bone would be able to be fixed spontaneously.

Is that just a limitation I am placing upon myself? Or is it more on the order of a collective agreement on what we have decided what the “earth experience” will be? Do you find that you have limits as to what you believe is possible, and do you struggle with that?



Dear Will,

These are really great questions and frequent topics of discussion with so many people, clients and practitioners alike!

I want to start by repeating one very important and basic concept: All healing is self healing. This is true of Western traditional medicine as well as any alternative or energetic modality.

Within the realm of what is possible, it appears that there are collective agreements on what is possible, there are individual experiences within that agreement and sometimes individuals seem to be able to even surpass the agreement about what IS possible. That can be very exciting.

I can tell you what I have seen with my own eyes, in my own practice, and I can tell you what has been reported by Dolores and other practitioners. Some of these “miracles” are backed up by measurable and repeatable medical tests and some are not. Western medical professionals would call many of the miracles seen in Quantum Healing, “spontaneous healing or remission.” This is their term for an unexplained healing of something like a cancerous tumor.

I’m not sure what they would term the truly inexplicable events like the regrowth of a gall bladder or uterus, but these things have absolutely been reported by practitioners as well.

Just this year I facilitated a session with a man who had a bone and blood cancer called multiple myeloma. The SC said it would clear his body of the cancer if he started to take care of himself and his health before the others who were draining his strength and reserves for their own needs.  He also had two vertebrae in his back absolutely crushed by a chiropractic adjustment years ago (this is how he discovered the cancer) and it severely affected what he could do with his day. He had a large lump across his back over the vertebrae and could only manage to remain upright for a certain number of hours. I asked if the SC could possibly heal the incredible pain he was experiencing in his back right then, even before he could begin to make the other changes in his life. The SC replied, “We can do that.”

3d render medical illustration of the painful back

Five days later his wife contacted me to tell me her husband’s back pain disappeared immediately after the session and that the very large lump in his back was diminished by half. They were astonished and grateful. Two days after that she contacted me again. The lump had disappeared completely. The SC said they would rebuild the crushed vertebrae. I suspect they did just that.

I hope someday they send me before and after xrays, I really do, I’d love to see them as much as anyone and perhaps more so…but most people just take their miracles and begin their new lives, and that is okay by me. Much of the world isn’t quite ready to believe these sorts of things and their lives could easily take on a circus quality if they shared that “proof.” Just imagine how many people would call them crazy or accuse them (or me?) of false medical claims, hysteria or worse.

So can the SC repair bones and teeth? I would have to say “yes!”

Belief seems to be very important, perhaps even crucial, but sometimes healing happens in spite of disbelief. And conversely, complete belief does not always guarantee healing. This remains a mystery. I simply say, why not give it a try? Quantum Healing is an investment of a few hours. One afternoon. There can be NO guarantees of healing of any kind, but, why not give it a chance?


Hello Candace,

I have read almost all Dolores Cannon`s books, I have been into metaphysics studies for years with the intention of finding out why I have a feeling of “not fitting in” into this world, I feel a constant sadness and loneliness, I perceive these emotions like a heavy coat that I’m wearing that I’m not able to take off despite all the knowledge that I have accumulated.

I have tried a Quantum Healing session with one of Dolores` practitioners, but I have not been able to fall into the hypnotic state. Probably I was not ready yet or scared to find out something I didn’t want to find out, I’m not really sure. My question is: Is it possible to communicate with the higher selves, with “Them” as Dolores used to call them, without the help of a practitioner? Maybe with meditation? I’m a lonely person, in the sense that I don’t really socialize that much, I have learnt we are never really alone, but I don’t know why I feel alone and I’m not able to perceive neither my spirit guide, guardian angel, higher self/ves not even with meditation? Thank you very much for any suggestions you might have.



Dear Giuseppe,

The first thing I’d like to tell you is that your feelings are quite common. Many people feel this way. In fact, deep down, I would say most people feel this in at least a small way and some feel it more acutely than others.

Perhaps you saw yourself described in Dolores’ book, “The Three Waves of Volunteers?” Many people do and it can explain why they feel so lonely and sad. Human life is not easy! It is especially challenging for the “volunteers,” with little history or human experience from which to draw.

Often, having a Quantum Healing session can explain why the choice was made to experience a human existence, whether it be the first time or the thousandth. Knowing the soul’s plan can be comforting and ease the pain and loneliness.

Fear can stop the relaxation needed to explore your consciousness, yes. All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis and you must truly be open and trusting (of yourself as well as your practitioner) to facilitate this kind of exploration. Did you feel comfortable with your practitioner? Did he/she offer to work with you again? Sometimes the second time is the charm and allows one to relax in a deeper way. Perhaps choosing another facilitator would be key.

Book learning or knowledge from others while interesting, engaging and thought provoking does not always bring peace or grace within our own personal reality. That is why you so often read the phrase, “All answers are within.” Its really so very true!

The answer to your question about doing this just by yourself is a resounding YES. Of course you can talk to your Higher Self! You are a PART of your Higher Self and are in contact at all times whether you are aware of that consciously or not. Your Higher Self communicates with you in many ways to include dreams, daydreams, intuition and inner voice or knowing. If you would like more “direct” conversations with that greater part of you simply begin by intending it to be so. Begin right now. Say out loud, “I have clear and direct communication with my Higher Self.” (Note the use of the word “have” and not “will have”.) Put up sticky notes all over to remind you to repeat this phrase and say it with conviction. Begin to believe that and live as if it were so.  Imagine it often and then you will create exactly that.

Intelligent Thinking

Journal your dreams. If you do not remember them, intend THAT as well. “I easily remember my dreams.” It is the nightly way you and your Higher Self communicate! Daydream and journal these experiences as well. Daydreams can very often lead to past life memories. Meditate, yes. Imagine meeting your Higher Self. That part can look like you or an animal or be symbolic in some way. Just begin to imagine this and it will begin to manifest. TRUST is the key.

You likely have been, as most of us were, cautioned not to believe or trust in your imagination, that it was inconsequential and silly. Well, imagination is not a small thing, it is your greatest POWER, pure and simple. This is also the language of your Higher Self. Make friends with your imagination (again) and become childlike and curious and you will be well on your way to a relationship with your greater YOU.

Thank you both for your questions!


-For information about Candace and her Quantum Healing practice see

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