Reconfiguring 2023

Moving Out Studio

I’ve been keenly aware of the energy of this year of 2023, even before the calendar turned.

Indications began in August and have continued to build. This year, I am absolutely certain, will be nothing like 2020, 2021 or 2022. I paused after writing that sentence. How to describe what I feel is coming? I glanced again, at the photo here I am including in this article. It’s a pretty good metaphor and a reasonable place to start.

Packing Up

One of my absolute favorite “manifesting” stories has to do with this, my Augusta Kansas Wellness studio space. I began to daydream about a cute little storefront in my local town, one that had big windows and natural light “just like that old abandoned dog grooming spot” across from the post office. I spent a couple of years imagining a cool little spot in town becoming available. And not only did a space become available, it was that exact space!

At the time it was an absolute disaster and mess. Internally it was filled with garbage. The wonderful original wooden floors were covered with multiple layers of moldering vinyl. The high charming historic tin ceilings were hidden by a low hanging plaster replacement studded with rows of flawed and flickering fluorescent banks of light. The gorgeous solid brick walls were covered with stomach turning acid yellow laminate, and that wall had an ancient paper border of a ridiculous parade of cartoon puppies at a canine party. The tiny powder room in back, with its equally tiny, stained, broken and unacceptable fixtures looked like it came straight out of a horror film. And yet…

As I stood amidst the decay and debris, I felt into the energy. No one knew if the tin or wood would be salvageable in the remodel. Neither had been in the similar space next door, the odds were not favorable. The owner of the building said to me, hopeful to gain a new tenant, “If you agree to rent this space, I will begin demolition tomorrow.”

I continued to feel, deeper into the space. I reached into the energy of the foundations, past the garbage and plastic, beyond the filth and debris, behind the ridiculous collection of faded dancing cartoon puppies. Would this space work? Would it contain the elements I needed, not only for myself but for my clients who would come for healings and students who would come for learning?

The answer came quickly and solidly. Yes. Yes it would. And it did. The wood floor appeared nearly unscathed. The tin ceiling tiles needed only a handful of replacements. The powder room was updated and the walls uncovered. That was in 2014 and the ensuing years in Augusta have been nothing short of spectacular. The discoveries, miracles and healings that happened in that space exceeded my wildest dreams.

But late last summer- the energy shifted. My time in the space was coming to an end. I gave my notice last month and have been slowly moving items out and my days here are almost complete. I took this photograph one afternoon last week as I looked at the light streaming in. I have loved this space, and I will miss it, but it is time to go.

2023 to me seems a bit like what it felt like that day long ago when I stood in the room looking around at what was visible. Filth, debris, cast off items, forgotten and abandoned dreams. This was the undeniable reality and there were no guarantees about what would be found during or after demolition of the old, crumbling, unusable reality.

Its exactly what 2023 feels like to me. We cannot thrive in the world that currently exists. It is crumbling, it is old, unworkable, scary and dirty, and – in so many ways – it is simply ridiculous. But I can, and so many others can, feel the New Earth underneath. We can sense the hidden beauty. It is there. It is ours to uncover. Step one is the demolition. One must bring down the old, to reimagine and reconfigure. It will be hard, and it will absolutely be messy, but it simply must be done.

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