Shift 2012 Wichita

Note from Candace: I’d like to introduce Jaci Silvey. Both Jaci and I have “” Groups. I have asked Jaci to tell us about her new one called Shift 2012. I have two groups, one in Austin and another in Wichita, both of mine are called New Earth Journey.  Anyone can join these groups (its free) by heading on over to

Jaci Silvey. Shift 2012 Wichita

Monday, Jan. 23rd at 7:00 is the first meeting of a Meetup group I’m starting called Shift 2012 Wichita.  After January we will meet on the first Monday of each month.

I believe that this is a time when we have all the tools we need to shift our energies and the energies of this beautiful planet Earth into something that is more magnificent than anything we’ve experienced. I believe that this is a time of gestation – a time of pregnancy – during which we can consciously choose what we want our New Earth to be…..and how we want to live on that New Earth.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of Spontaneous Evolution, speaks of humanity as a caterpillar in a cocoon, ready to burst forth with unfurling wings and take flight. And that’s exactly how I feel, and what I see as possibility. That’s why I’m starting Shift-2012-Wichita. Lipton also talks about all of us, as individuals, being like cells in the larger body of humanity. What happens with one cell impacts all the others. What happens within each of us impacts all of us. My hope for Shift 2012 Wichita is that the members of this group will all take responsibility for their personal evolution in this coming year, knowing that what we do impacts our families, our relationships, our work/business, our community, and the planet as a whole. We will, as a group, investigate and experience a variety of ways in which we can each personally evolve in body, mind, spirit and energetically. We will do so in a supportive and encouraging environment. And hopefully, we’ll have some fun along the way!!!

I’ve been consciously evolving on my own path for over 20 years. That path has included:

Usui Reiki Master for about 16years
Obtained Masters Degree in Counseling 23 years ago (and have learned SO MUCH and grown so much through counseling others)
Have been an EFT-Advanced Practitioner for 3 1/2 years, and am constantly updating and learning.
My spiritual path has been a winding one and has embraced reverence for the feminine face of God (GodDESS); the Red Road Way of Native American Spirituality; Eastern Spirituality and Esoteric Christianity.

All have contributed, and continue to contribute to my *daily evolutionary practices.* My position is that when I’m no longer growing and evolving it will be because I left this incarnation. This is the level of enthusiasm I have for conscious evolution.

All those who are part of the New Earth Journey Wichita Meetup group are welcome and encouraged to join in. Just go to and search for Shift 2012 Wichita.
