In many ways Summer Solstice 2011 at Atira Moon was an extraordinary event. Of course the Source in Silence Sessions conduited by Marcia McCoy were without comparison. We had full circles for each of the three public time slots, and all of the private sessions were also filled. We had several people who traveled quite a distance to attend the event. A couple of lovely ladies made the trip from out of state. I think they found the drive worthwhile.
There are so many things I could talk about as it relates to that day, but today I want to talk about the concept of “manifesting”. People who are studying spirituality are aware of the term. In some ways it almost seems over used. It is said we create our own realities; we manifest that which happens to us. Many wise ones and also those not so wise have much to say about how to “manifest”. I read just about everything I can on the subject.
I think its still a mystery. It is for me anyway.
However, I do give the idea of manifesting a go quite often in my life and, I am often pleasantly rewarded for the effort. Such was the case in regards to the Solstice.
As I prepared for this event at Atira Moon, I found myself creating a mental list. I share that list with you below:
- My mother will remain in stable health for the duration of the event.
- Marcia will have a safe and pleasant trip to Atira Moon from Santa Fe.
- The weather will be lovely for the day of the event, not too hot, not too windy, hopefully with slightly overcast skies to soften the sun and no thunderstorms please.
- There will be no insect surprises in the circle that day.
- The oil pump jack that sits in the field next door will be totally quiet and completely silent for that day.
- The circle will be filled for every public session and only lovely supportive people will come to Atira Moon.
- The lone rogue sunflower that was growing outside the patio door will bloom on Solstice Morning.
I started manifesting this list weeks in advance. This is what happened:
- Mom was, in fact quite stable during June 20-22. Thanks Mom.
- Marcia had a fine trip to Atira Moon. Chased by the New Mexico fires, a thunderstorm blew her into the farm just 15 minutes before an amazing downpour and hail barage. We ate smoked salmon sandwiches and watched the rain pour from the sky. Afterwards, we went outside and I took this photo that I posted on Solstice Eve. Tell me you do NOT see “the matrix” in this picture!
- The weather on the day of the Solstice was spectacular. It was fresh, cool and moist from the rain we got from the storm the night before. The day never got warmer than 84 degrees and the wind was gentle from the south. The morning session in particular was just perfect.
- No insect surprises!
- Now this one is very interesting. The field next door has an oil well pump jack. Happily it is electric driven and not diesel, and in the main, it is fairly quiet although I admit, I do not like to hear it at all. It runs sometimes for weeks at a time and often just stops for unknown reasons for a day or a few days at a time. I very much wanted the thing to be still and quiet for our Solstice. It stopped the day before.
- This one is self explanatory. Everyone who arrived here was absolutely lovely and supportive!
- This rogue sunflower bloomed on EXACTLY the day I requested. This last item on the list was just so sweet and lovely to observe happening just exactly as I asked. Just as I “manifested”! That sunflower had been growing for weeks, from the seed I spread for the birds out the back door. And it bloomed the morning of the Solstice.
There certainly is something to this manifesting thing!
Next New Earth Journey Blog Entry: Source in Silence Session notes from yours truly. Then, After the Session: Gaia Hums?!
Stay tuned. Its very busy at the farm. We are putting up hay, I have regression sessions and there are always more farm chores to be done than there is time to do them.
Thanks for reading and I’d especially like to thank all the recent subscribers to my blog.
Thank you!