Spiritual Bullying

The following article was written by Candace Craw-Goldman and Co-Authored by Ari Kopel.

I’m having lunch today with my friend Lucinda. We have known each other since kindergarten. Our family moved while I was still in elementary school so we lost touch. After nearly 50 years, we are friends again to my great delight. It’s lovely to be able to visit with Lucinda. Not only because she was a sweet childhood friend, but also because she made an impression upon me when I was 5 years old that affects me greatly, even to this very day. My sweet friend Lucinda defines what it means to stand up to a bully.

Kindergarten 1966

Kindergarten 1966

Lucinda (the dark haired girl in the photo) and I (with blond hair) walked into a kindergarten world with short dresses and bobby socks and wide eyes. Such a big building, so many children, all those tall adults, all that structure, books, papers, stories, games, fun, discovery, occasional bewilderment, and, bullies!

Before kindergarten I had no personal concept of what a bully was, I certainly wasn’t prepared to deal with one. As much as those who might know me now might laugh at this description, I was a terribly shy and quiet little girl at 5 years old. I was also quite petite, usually the smallest child in the class. I was the perfect target to be bullied. And I was.

My only consolation was that I certainly wasn’t alone. Our class bully wasn’t terribly discriminating. He was opportunistic, and bullied anyone he could, whenever he could, as often as he could. I totally remember his name but won’t use it here; instead, I will call him Joey.

Joey seemed to rule our little kindergarten lives. Our sweet teacher modified his access and harm when present, but she couldn’t be standing next to every child at all times. Free time or standing in lines for activities could be trouble. Recess was a crapshoot. Who would be his target today? I remember Joey hauling his little fist behind his body to gain as much momentum as possible to land within the soft belly of any child who might have simply dropped their guard. He would do this for no apparent reason that my mind could comprehend. I would watch the smile come over his face as the tears and screams erupted from my unlucky classmates. I would watch him get hauled off, usually to the principal’s office.

There was a paddle hanging, looming really, on a hook beside the principal’s door. It was old wood, even back then, smooth and worn from many years of regular use. It seemed very large to me, much larger than several adult hands. It was terrifying to imagine it being smacked upon our little bodies. The offending child would be processed in a fairly predictable way, the teacher would intercept wrong-doing, determine if the offense was worthy of a trip to the principal’s office, and there the principal would determine if and how much paddling would be necessary.

One unfortunate day during recess, Joey had his sights set on me. I knew it, I felt it. I tried protecting myself by standing near the teacher at her post by the building on the playground but was shooed away. “Go play!” She would smile. Play? My very life was in danger, or so it seemed. The 20-minute recess seemed an eternity. Somehow, Joey cut me out of the crowd like a well-trained sheep dog and my worst nightmare was upon me. I was terrified. Joey attacked. He sat on my stomach and the pounding began.

Suddenly, out of nowhere Lucinda came running. She leapt upon Joey, knocking him off of me, her whole body coming between me and his flying fists. I think I just stood there in amazement. They hit the ground, both of them screaming and flailing. Lucinda was yelling, “Stop it, stop it, stop it!”

Then, the teacher came running. Having missed my involvement, she grabbed Joey’s and Lucinda’s hands and declared they BOTH would be visiting the principal for a paddling. Both of them! Both of them were going to get hit with a large wooden weapon wielded by a giant angry man because Joey hit me and Lucinda hit Joey to stop Joey from hitting me.

My little mind was reeling. Is this really how life worked?

Lucinda turned back to look at me as she and Joey both were yanked away by their arms to be delivered to the principal’s office. Did I thank her at the time? I don’t know. I am going to ask her today if I did. I have thanked her since then, of course. Many times.

The thing about Lucinda is she totally topped that previous scene with another even more impressive one. First grade in our school had two teachers. The sweet angelic Mrs. A, and the absolutely terrifying mean old Mrs. W. Mrs. W was bully all grown up.

The “mean” and the “old” were written all over her face and no child that I talked to had ever witnessed a kind word uttered from Mrs. W’s clenched teeth. The weeks leading up to first grade were filled with the nightmare of a possible upgraded first grade bully reality with Joey combined with Mrs. W in the same room day after day. I prayed and prayed and prayed to be spared from one or both. Blessedly, I was indeed spared and ecstatically walked into Mrs. A’s friendly bright room day one of first grade. Lucinda, however, was not spared. She got Mrs. W.

It happened that one day, I was walking through the hall towards Mrs. W’s open classroom door. I could hear her bellowing viciously at some poor child before being close enough to the door to see who was getting yelled at or why. I turned my head to witness what to this day remains one of the single bravest actions I have ever witnessed from a human being.

There she was, Mrs. W was vibrating in anger, her face inches from sweet Lucinda’s, screaming at the top of her lungs that she, Lucinda, would NOT be allowed to go to the restroom under any circumstances! Lucinda’s face had tears running down, she was upset, to be sure. I was struck immobile in my own terror, afraid somehow Mrs. W would see me in the hallway and include me in her attack. It was then that Lucinda did it. Smart, brave, amazing, 6 year old Lucinda. She just decided to pee right in her seat. She just let it go. In front of the entire class, to the incredulity of Mrs. W., to the amazement of my very soul, she began to create a big stream of urine that washed along Mrs. W’s feet and big black shoes and I watched her open her mouth in shock as the puddle beneath Lucinda’s desk grew and grew.

We know more about bullies now, how most come to be the way they are and can surmise that both Joey and Mrs. W. most likely were bullied and beaten themselves, probably most of their lives. They were wounded and angry and either wouldn’t and couldn’t break free of the cycle of violence and so perpetuated it. We also don’t promote corporal punishment in schools any longer, but even with understanding and banning corporal punishment we still have to learn to deal with bullies. They are not only in schools; they are literally still amongst us everywhere. Even places you might not expect to see them. Like in spiritual and metaphysical circles that proclaim love and acceptance and non-judgment.

Lucinda, is truly my lifelong hero. I still do love her so. She stood up to both bullies, Joey and Mrs. W. She still stands up to bullies to this day.

I recently met someone online who reminds me of Lucinda. Bravely and very publicly, author Ari Kopel stands up to Spiritual Bullies big and small alike. She recently had a book published by Round Table Publishers called “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality.”

In it she lists attributes of the Spiritual Bully, whom she also calls Sentinels, and also talks about Spiritual Gangs. Ari is of the opinion that these bullies very goal is to create separation and self doubt. The information that follows is taken directly from one of Ari Kopel’s articles and her book.

The Attributes of a Spiritual Bully

If you run across these personality traits, you are probably dealing with a spiritual bully. You can either step into you Power and Authority – if you’ve discovered it and have reclaimed it. Or you might just have to walk away and leave them thinking they won – which is part of their delusional problem… Here are the traits:

Arrogance – There is this demeanor of aggrandizement, of spiritual superiority that is pretty nauseating. The behavior or the attitude, though, is of someone who just came out of a spiritual banana boat. No one that has attained any kind of higher spiritual mastery behaves in such a manner.

Huge Ego – It is clear that the Ego hasn’t been tamed and that it is used as a weapon to hurt. Part of the game of hurting is to be more astute than the other person and coming across as an expert. If the other person doesn’t understand the infiltrated disinformation, then it is made to seem that the other person doesn’t have a grasp about the concept and therefore isn’t spiritually mature.


Delusion – They’re in a state of delusion thinking that they are spiritually accomplished, when their behavior shows otherwise

Closed to other perspectives – The only point of view or belief system they’ll accept is their own. Usually obtained through the New Age Movement and acquired through spiritually immature teachers who were incapable of walking their talk. They’ve learned how to master the art of regurgitating concepts, using New Age jargon.

Need to correct – They have this urge to comment after someone has posted something that is not along the lines of their belief system. They do this in a public manner, making the victim of this feel as if they are spiritual-newbies or spiritually inept.

Self-Imposed Master – Yes they have knighted themselves into being a spiritual master. They would call themselves an Ascended Master, but they know that people will question why they still have to defecate… Their behavior though is indicative of a person who hasn’t yet awakened to the pseudo-spiritual level.

Demeaning – This is a tactic used by the dark forces and their minions to create doubt in the Spiritual Emissary. By creating self-doubt, the Light Emissary needs to rely on others for his information and spiritual guidance. This then leads him straight to the wolf’s den, where he will now receive indoctrination and a whole lot of disinformation to keep him complacent, docile, in a stupor and spiritually lobotomized. This way the Light Emissary is not cognizant of the agenda of the dark forces and becomes disinterested in taking action to correct what is not in alignment with The Will of Prime Creator.

Spiritual Gangs

What’s better than one Spiritual Bully? How about two or more? Because their posture is based on fluff and disinformation, there is always another one of these impostors, waiting on the sidelines and ready to back up the initial Bully. They then gang up on the person who made a comment, put up a post, posted a video or asked a question. And if you’re an observer of this, you will either watch in fascination, or you’ll be disgusted; or you’ll find yourself either agreeing with the Bullies or not wanting to be chastised by voicing your own opinion that differs from theirs. In the meantime, the slaughter goes on, until the person that is bullied stops commenting back or leaves the group all together.

This experience leaves a very sour taste in anyone’s mouth. And it’s not easy to shake off. It makes you wonder what we’re up against, because if this is a representation of the Light, we’re in deep trouble. So, it is very important to understand the need for discernment, and to learn how these dark forces work and how they weave their sinister threads into everything. Awareness of this is key because these Sinister Ones are so clever and so on top of their game that you will begin to start getting sick when you hear spiritual terms or listen to spiritual information. You will begin to associate the bad experience with spirituality in general – so anything spiritually-empowering becomes a turn-off.


Spiritual Bullies are strategically here to keep The Light Emissaries off task; to create doubt; to cause separation and to have you withdraw from “spirituality” . They truly think they are “in the know“, and they haven’t realized that their behavior is not one that is indicative of someone representing The Light.

The overall experience with one of these Bullies creates disempowerment for many. The fact that there are so many Spiritual Bullies – who deem themselves to be representatives of the Light – engaging in this type of behavior is alarming; and it is one of the reasons that The Light Forces are not advancing as quickly as we would like or making dramatic progress in correcting the conditions afflicting this world. The reason is that many of the disempowering concepts that are being disseminated by these Bullies are being embraced by many, and it keeps the Light representatives docile, complacent, apathetic, and indifferent. Also, the sole purpose for being in embodiment becomes the pursuit of your own spiritual edification and nothing more. In the meantime the planet that you were made a custodian of, and humanity which you are here to help, continues down the path of negative experience.

The Bullying-technique is one of the many ways that the dark forces get you to stand down and not become empowered. So, being totally aware of these Spiritual Bullies is part of your Spiritual Arsenal and will help you avoid the pitfalls of when you encounter them. Nobody said this job would be easy, but now that you know what to look for, there’s no reason to experience these Sinister Traps anymore. Stay strong, stay true, stay empowered and know what is animating these Bullies. Once you recognize it for what it is, shine your Light as bright as you can. You come from the Divine Realms and represent The Office of The Christ; and you have Absolute Divine Power and Authority over all forces that demean others and that spread disinformation. These are not the qualities of The Light . Do not be deceived, as you shall know them by their fruit.

– Ari Kopel

Editorial Note:  The concepts presented in this article are taken from the International Bestselling book Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality available now on Amazon.

To learn about Spiritual Bullies and the Sentinels keeping the Matrix in place, get your copy of Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality on Amazon.com. The book is now an International Bestseller and is the long-awaited “manual” that not only exposes the deceptive tactics of the Dark Forces, but also helps you reclaim your Power & Authority by giving you the awareness and tools on how to navigate this archontic-infested world unscathed.

You can find Ari at these links:



-For information about Candace and her Quantum Healing practice see newearthjourney.com

Permission to share this article is given as long as it is shared completely with all links and remains unaltered in any way and contains this source information and copyright notice. Copyright 2015 Candace Craw-Goldman, newearthjourney.com and Ari Kopel, AriKopel.com

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