Still Using Fluoride?

Brushing your teeth with Crest, maybe? Or drinking fluoridated water? How about “treatments” for your teeth or for your kids or your grandkids?

When we purchased our farm last year, we had the old, unused water well’s water tested. The results were the water was undrinkable, unusable even for livestock because of fluoride poisoning.

Wait a sec…isn’t fluoride supposed to be “good” for you? Keeping your teeth free of cavities? How can fluoride be poisonous?

Well, the truth is, fluoride is NOT good for you or your teeth. Its a myth. A myth many of us believed in for most of our lives because we believed the government was trying to “take care of us”.

Did you know Hitler was one of the first proponents of fluoridating drinking water? He advised its use in prison camps. I wonder why?

Most people that I know who are “waking up” already know about the abject danger of water fluoridation. They already know that this “helpful mineral” added to our water supply by our “concerned government” is actually registered by the EPA as an environmental toxin that must be handled by workers in hazmat suits.

Not only is it indeed a poison, it comes to you not as pure fluoride at all, but as a toxic waste by product. Often from Chinese factories. And our tax dollars PAY those companies to send us their industrial waste so we can add it to our public water supply.

Yes, you read that right.

If you don’t know the real story of fluoride, and you have 12 minutes you can watch this great animated short film. If 12 minutes is too long to spend or you are not interested, leave here with this message.

Fluoride is NOT good for you or your teeth. Its a myth. A myth many of us believed in for most of our lives because we believed the government was trying to “take care of us”. Toss your fluoridated toothpaste and filter your drinking water (if you can that is, because many filters say their product will not filter our “beneficial fluoride”)
