Would the Following Change Your View of TV if it were True?

What if you could view a series of 3 supposedly separate, unique video news clips?  For purposes of this discussion let’s say one from the Virginia Tech shootings, then another one of an “Occupy” event and the last one a clip on the aftermath of 9/11.

And what if, in all of these clips, it was a local reporter interviewing a ‘woman’ who was witness to these events.

And what if, you put the clips side by side, even though the ‘woman’ was given different names in each event, you could tell, without any question, that it was the same. exact. woman. Same voice, same mannerisms, even the same earrings perhaps somehow present in these highly disparate events.

That would be, well, remarkable right? Sort of stunning actually. I mean, what would that mean?

And then, what if you viewed another three video clips. Lets say, a famous murder, a famous kidnapping, another mass shooting event perhaps. And in those three video clips, you saw a man, the same man, with three different names again, being a witness or a minor player of some kind in each of the events.

What would you think? And, what if you found out the man and woman in the events above knew each other?

What if you could view dozens or even hundreds of such comparisons? What if were possible, to track a number of “eye-witness” “man or woman in the street” accounts of major fear inducing events in our world and find out that many of the witnesses are at multiple events, using multiple names and change of hairstyles or adding glasses or whatever to change up their appearance?

What if this were actually true? Would it change your opinion about what you are watching on TV?

Would it? I would LOVE to hear public responses to this post! So many of you respond privately…

I often think about the 1998 movie called “The Truman Show”. It was truly brilliantly made and an excellent film. Truman begins to wake up to his reality when he notices the details of the reality that is presented to him don’t completely match up. If you haven’t seen the movie, or haven’t seen it in a while, I highly recommend it.

Is there anything that doesn’t match up in your world?


  1. Joy Illumine on September 2, 2012 at 12:50 am

    I stopped watching television completely when I was about 15. I will fall asleep if I watch TV… as for the news. Well, I have always found them to be questionable since my first marriage when my husband was a channel surfer. While making dinner and held captive as far as having to listen; I would see the same story on all the networks every night. That was when I figured out what spin really is and it only occasionally has something to do with laundry.

  2. newearthjourney on September 2, 2012 at 12:58 am

    Thanks for the reply my wise friend, Joy. Most people will just. stare. blankly, if they even finish reading. 🙂

  3. Toni on September 2, 2012 at 11:20 am

    I gave up TV in college and got a fish tank. I must admit that I now watch TV at a friends home from time to time but mostly animal shows. As far as the news is concerned, I find it extremely limited and repetitive and much of it is false.

    • Jan De Roos on September 2, 2012 at 6:27 pm

      So where are these video clips? I was getting all excited about being able to see these things, then…no clips. What would I think if I saw such a thing? I guess that somebody is involved in creating these events other than the known perpetrator. Somebody pulling some strings. The more mundane answer is of course that the media is creating its own commentary. But my first reaction holds more intrigue….

  4. jan on September 2, 2012 at 11:25 pm

    We watched the Truman Show this afternoon for the first time after reading your article. Totally thought provoking and it does put a different perspective right there in front of a person, hard to see past it once you see it… Like the frog and the horse, you see the frog right off but when you realize the horse head is also in the picture you can’t see anything else. Thanks Candace, it certainly does leave you thinking “what if.”

    • newearthjourney on September 2, 2012 at 11:30 pm

      Thanks for your replies everyone. 🙂

  5. [email protected] on September 3, 2012 at 3:36 pm

    First, it might make TV more interesting if you could play “Where’s Waldo”–as in find the woman or man you mentioned in the broadcast materials. Otherwise, it sounds a bit like “Zelig”.
    As to the last question, with two political conventions on TV there is probably a lot of material that doesn’t match up. 🙂 Have you been time traveling Candace?

  6. Amber Stewart on September 4, 2012 at 1:38 pm

    I am with you on this dear Candace. I do not allow my children to watch mainstream TV. They only watch the movies that I pick out for them and only after I have watched them myself. There is a really good book realted to this subject called “Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television” by Jerry Mander.

  7. Timothy Tang on September 9, 2012 at 11:12 am

    I do not believe that the Backdrop People you mentioned are taking on multiple roles to appear on TV. I believe they are real living human beings who are perceiving reality on a low level of consciousness.

    Because they are aggressive, they are prone to do commit lots of aggressive and violent acts(public shootings, Middle East wars) that go against the law. This is why the mainstream media features them and their misdeeds very often on TV and newspapers. Such publicity of their violent and aggressive acts can instill the emotion of fear and worry and various emotions on the audience.

    I run a Facebook Ascension group when I talk about the information from Dolores’ Source quite often, feel free to visit it and comment.

    I recently wrote a group update article on the Backdrop People.

    (Group Update September 8th) A Detailed Analysis of the Backdrop People Who Are The Non-Student Fillers of the Earth School

  8. Timothy Tang on September 10, 2012 at 11:15 pm

    I have watched the Truman Show movie after seeing your recommendation and realized it is much relevance to our Earth reality.

    I haven’t notice people deliberately hiding the truth from me. I have noticed something similar that the Truman character and I share. I have noticed how certain moments in my life seem to have been planned and controlled to keep me within a certain path so that I can continue doing certain things such as being able to concentrate on my spiritual path.

    I wrote a group update about the movie being similar to the Earth reality.

    (Group Update September 11th) Similarities Between The Truman Show Movie And Earth Being a Hidden School Unknown to Its Students

  9. newearthjourney on September 11, 2012 at 11:05 pm

    Hi Timothy. Interesting and thoughtful take and …but where did you read this:
    “Dolores mentioned that the concept of the Backdrop People reminds her of the movie The Truman Show..”

    I know I mentioned it in this blog, but was unaware of Dolores mentioning the movie anywhere…