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Something Ailing You?

Maybe you need to go to your doctor.  Then again, maybe not. Traditionally Western medicine operates primarily by addressing symptoms as things to be eliminated. If something is wrong, they want to poison it, burn it or cut it out or off of you.  Then you are cured, right? No? The problem returns or reoccurs?… Read more »

See a Red Bird

I am an avid practitioner of the Dolores Cannon Past Life Regression technique. I pretty much have given up all of my photography and other endeavors to focus upon and practice, this spiritual path of healing. I took training with Dolores, the world’s MOST experienced past life regressionist and author of 15 books, in 2008.… Read more »

Its an Awesome Feeling…

There is no way you won’t smile after listening to this short song sung by a man who left his body during a heart attack. [youtube=]

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Happy 11/11/10! (Note this excellent date to re-start my blog!) How many of you have been noticing the 11:11 on your digital clocks, checkbook numbers, license plates, you know, just about everywhere? You are not alone. I was first made aware of this phenomenon by my late brother, Randy, back in 1989, shortly before he… Read more »
