Category: Energy Healing

Odin, an Earplug, Surgery and Energy Medicine

Did you know that some cats have a thing for human ear wax? Its a sort of feline fetish. Odd, I know, but google it if you want and you will find all kinds of stories. Even with all the cats we have had and known in our lives, this was news to me. Our… Read more »

Consciousness Based Healing After the Great Shift. A NEJ Workshop Feb 23-24.

Well we made it! It is past December 2012 and we are still here, the world did not end. Everything is just exactly like it was before… or is it? Humanity most certainly went through a significant SHIFT last month! I have seen dramatic changes in my own personal reality and life, and many of… Read more »

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Cellular and Organ Regeneration (CORe) Class September 29-30 in Kansas

Announcing ​CORe in Wichita Kansas Sept 29-30, 2012 Day 1, 9am-4pm. Day 2, 9am-1pm. Lunch (organic and vegetarian) included both days.​ New for the September class: Case studies from my own practice and also more background from the Russian Science that birthed this technique. ​Introducing the CORe Workshop​ ​The Cell and Organ Regeneration (CORe) Program… Read more »

Dear Left-Brained Client,

It’s not your fault. Really. You have been programmed from birth to primarily only use half of your brain’s natural function. Our Western society’s institutions of education and government and workplace have marginalized our right brain, our intuition, our imagination, and in my opinion, it has been to our great detriment. Think of all the… Read more »

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"Fix me. I’m Broken."

Does this sound like you? Do you go from doctor to doctor, modality to modality, desperate to find the cure for what ails you? Whether it be cancer, allergies, arthritis, depression or even loneliness, if you are searching for a solution, and think that all you have to do is find the right _______ (doctor,… Read more »

A Christmas Reiki Story

We arrived at my in-law’s home the Friday afternoon before Christmas. My husband’s younger brother Josh and his family had been there a day or so already and had nicely settled in. Josh and Jan have three lovely young children and a really great chocolate lab named Gumbo, and all of them were there. Josh… Read more »

CORe Healing – a Brief Quote from Grabovoi

When following conventional methods, you must expect to get conventional results. -Grigori Grabovoi This Cellular and Organ Regeneration (CORe) work, founded by Grabavoi, resetting cells and reprogramming DNA continues to impress me. I’ve had the opportunity to assist perhaps a dozen people so far with their “self-healing”. One woman is actually attempting to re-grow her… Read more »

CORe Healing Testimonial Video

Mom is 84, and has multiple health issues. She is pacemaker dependent. She has had congestive heart failure for a decade. Her doctor requires her to wear compression hose but she doesn’t like them very much. Today she had a stocking on one leg, but not the other. She was visiting the farm and complaining… Read more »

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