Category: Quantum Healing

Introducing: Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Information Network

Dolores has an online, worldwide, Community of Dedicated Practitioners who help support each other using her Quantum Healing method by sharing stories and comparing notes. The goal of the Quantum Healing Information Network is to bring together some of these Dedicated Practitioners and invite YOU, the public, into their conversations! We plan to provide you… Read more »

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Dear Left-Brained Client,

It’s not your fault. Really. You have been programmed from birth to primarily only use half of your brain’s natural function. Our Western society’s institutions of education and government and workplace have marginalized our right brain, our intuition, our imagination, and in my opinion, it has been to our great detriment. Think of all the… Read more »

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"Fix me. I’m Broken."

Does this sound like you? Do you go from doctor to doctor, modality to modality, desperate to find the cure for what ails you? Whether it be cancer, allergies, arthritis, depression or even loneliness, if you are searching for a solution, and think that all you have to do is find the right _______ (doctor,… Read more »

Dolores Explains Quantum Healing and How Healing Happens

Kerry Cassidy interviews Dolores Cannon here in this 6:38 clip Dolores also mentions our Quantum Healing Support Forum. As founder and managing director, I’m proud to say our membership is increasing every month. We are working very hard to provide continuing education and support to those all over the world who passionately practice this… Read more »

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