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So was that an Actual "Past Life" Memory or Simply "My Imagination?"

Recently my friend and fellow Quantum Healing colleague Lorna Wilson was asked if Quantum Healing or regression therapy could be beneficial to someone who did not believe in the concept of a “past life.” The following was her response. If someone wants to explore their inner awareness then regression therapy is beneficial. Clinical studies have… Read more »

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Quantum Healing Questions

Every day I get phonecalls and letters from people inquiring about Quantum Healing and Dolores Cannon’s work. Today I was about to answer the following email when I asked permission of this person if I could answer these questions in public via my blog. Hi Candace, I contacted you earlier this summer and you were… Read more »

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Odin, an Earplug, Surgery and Energy Medicine

Did you know that some cats have a thing for human ear wax? Its a sort of feline fetish. Odd, I know, but google it if you want and you will find all kinds of stories. Even with all the cats we have had and known in our lives, this was news to me. Our… Read more »

You can DO it!

So many of you out there, so poised to WAKE UP…you can DO it, you can, you can I know you can! And when you peek behind that curtain, so MUCH about reality will make so much sense. Here is a clue: If you are still picking “sides” you are not quite there yet. If… Read more »

Consciousness Based Healing After the Great Shift. A NEJ Workshop Feb 23-24.

Well we made it! It is past December 2012 and we are still here, the world did not end. Everything is just exactly like it was before… or is it? Humanity most certainly went through a significant SHIFT last month! I have seen dramatic changes in my own personal reality and life, and many of… Read more »

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