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"Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself."

In the forward of this book, Dr. Joe Dispenza says, “We should never wait for science to give us permission to do the uncommon, if we do, then we are turning science into another religion.” An open-minded man of science! Very refreshing. I like the book already. Dr. Joe focuses on brain states, the actual… Read more »

Interested in PERMANENT Healing?

This post is for my Quantum Healing and CORe Clients and anyone at all interested in healing and holding on to their healing. For my Quantum Healing Clients: Listen to your recorded session, especially where your Higher Self reminds you what steps are necessary to heal. How many times have you listened? What specific suggestions… Read more »

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Heart Pain? Vertigo? Wake up from sleep last night?

You are not alone. Consider that the sun may be affecting you more than mainstream science might suggest. [youtube] There are those who believe that the sun is not just a big ball of gaseous fire accidentally warming Earth so we may live. The sun is really very much more than that. And it… Read more »

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Red Flag Warning

****The National Weather Service In Wichita Has Issued A Red Flag Warning For Extreme Grassland Fire Danger.**** A Red Flag Warning:  A Combination Of Strong Winds… Low Relative Humidity… And Warm Temperatures. This Will Create Explosive Fire Growth Potential.  Any Fires That Develop Will Likely Spread Rapidly And Become Very Difficult To Control. Kansas is… Read more »

Eavesdropping On Kansas Farmers

Traveling southward to Texas my husband and I stopped at a tiny diner in a tiny Kansas town before sunrise. The scene we found there is replayed all over the state and really, throughout all of rural and farmbelt America. The farmers or ranchers, or a combination, come in, one by one, to sit at… Read more »

Dreaming of Light Bodies

I don’t normally share dreams this publicly. I try to journal most dreams and I also belong to an online dreaming group. Dreams are the topic of conversation there, of course. But more and more people I know are talking about their dreams and many are finding their dreams changing. How about you? Had any… Read more »

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Organics Matter if You’d Rather Not Be Sterile

Of course you can think of this as some really good news. If you don’t want children, just keep buying conventionally grown food. This former pig farmer takes a few (12) minutes to describe how his pigs, and multiple other farmers who fed the same GMO corn to their pigs, had 80-100% sterile rate in… Read more »

Shift 2012 Wichita

Note from Candace: I’d like to introduce Jaci Silvey. Both Jaci and I have “” Groups. I have asked Jaci to tell us about her new one called Shift 2012. I have two groups, one in Austin and another in Wichita, both of mine are called New Earth Journey.  Anyone can join these groups (its… Read more »