Quantum Healing really is … QUANTUM! We really are so very connected, all of us really, but when we make connections with our clients even more so. Your dreams may hold information specifically connected to, or for, your client!
Quantum Healing really is … QUANTUM! We really are so very connected, all of us really, but when we make connections with our clients even more so. Your dreams may hold information specifically connected to, or for, your client!
“Look up,” Said Dolores. And so I did. “Oh!” I gasped, and gasped again. “Oh my goodness. Of course. That is what you have been trying to tell me!” It seemed utterly obvious in retrospect. I have had clues. Lots of them, perhaps for years. Above us was an energetic structure of a pyramid. It… Read more »
In a couple of hours I will enter this space for the last time to turn in my keys and collect my security deposit. In my mind I can imagine a conversation with future tenants. If the pattern holds true, there will be quite a number of them coming and going. I was the odd… Read more »
Beyond Quantum Healing offered now in a new way. (Update early 2022- I have renamed this type of session Quantum Connect or QC for short) A BQH “To-Go” is a way to experience a “mini” BQH session with no lengthy time commitment or trance state necessary. The magic of your own Higher Self will still… Read more »
It is time to update again. Here is the information for those who travel to Augusta for personal session work, BQH classes or Meetups. We are staying very busy with all three, despite the changes brought to us by 2020. This updated article highlights the lovely Air BnB options now available in Augusta, and three… Read more »
Looking Deeper – A “Failed-Successful” BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Session. This is channeled information given by Dolores Cannon to Candace Craw-Goldman regarding a session that seemed to only disappoint the client. Dolores Cannon was and is known for communicating with her “students,” in Quantum Healing sessions, dreams, meditations signs and more. She actually began this… Read more »
Today is October 18, 2016. Dolores Cannon has been gone from the physical earth plane for exactly two years. So much has changed in those two years! The world has changed. Humanity certainly has changed. Dolores Cannon’s students and practitioners and clients have changed and Dolores’ method of, and a client’s experience of, Quantum Healing… Read more »