Tag: regression

Questions from a Reader regarding Quantum Healing Training

Hello Candace I am joyfully considering taking the Quantum Healing courses and I wondered if I might ask you a few questions. Have you had sessions yourself and how did you feel about them? When doing your Level 1 did you find it comfortable to actually do sessions? How long are your sessions usually? How… Read more »

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Nikkie Gray: "What I Learned From Dolores Cannon’s Work & How It Changed My Life"

The following is an article written by Nikkie Gray. I read it a few days ago via Consciousness-Evolution. As a practitioner of Dolores Cannon’s method of Quantum Healing, I would have to state that many, if not most of my clients sit down in the chair for their Quantum Healing session appointment and repeat Nikkie’s… Read more »

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So was that an Actual "Past Life" Memory or Simply "My Imagination?"

Recently my friend and fellow Quantum Healing colleague Lorna Wilson was asked if Quantum Healing or regression therapy could be beneficial to someone who did not believe in the concept of a “past life.” The following was her response. If someone wants to explore their inner awareness then regression therapy is beneficial. Clinical studies have… Read more »

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