Category: Earth Changes

Integrating the Orion Archetypes Part 2

Authority, Control & Competition: Integrating the Orion Archetypes (Part 2) This information is from Wendy Kennedy of Higher Frequencies. As we mentioned last week, we will be sharing Light Codes to assist you with the upcoming energies of authority, control, and competition as you near the equinox and begin integrating these Orion archetypes. This week… Read more »

Integrating the Orion Archetypes – Part 1

Authority, Control & Competition: Integrating the Orion Archetypes (Part 1) (This information is from Wendy Kennedy of Higher Frequencies) As you near the fall equinox, more of the energy surrounding authority, control, and competition will begin to activate. This may be most notable in the areas of your military and police as well as your… Read more »

Consciousness Based Healing After the Great Shift. A NEJ Workshop Feb 23-24.

Well we made it! It is past December 2012 and we are still here, the world did not end. Everything is just exactly like it was before… or is it? Humanity most certainly went through a significant SHIFT last month! I have seen dramatic changes in my own personal reality and life, and many of… Read more »

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What Pushes Your Buttons?

Today, the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the year 2012, is a day of wonderful beginnings! The sun is beginning a new energetic cycle, and the information that it beams to us humans is also new and filled with new energy. Today is a day to begin! A day to truly begin the rest… Read more »

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Heart Pain? Vertigo? Wake up from sleep last night?

You are not alone. Consider that the sun may be affecting you more than mainstream science might suggest. [youtube] There are those who believe that the sun is not just a big ball of gaseous fire accidentally warming Earth so we may live. The sun is really very much more than that. And it… Read more »

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Organics Matter if You’d Rather Not Be Sterile

Of course you can think of this as some really good news. If you don’t want children, just keep buying conventionally grown food. This former pig farmer takes a few (12) minutes to describe how his pigs, and multiple other farmers who fed the same GMO corn to their pigs, had 80-100% sterile rate in… Read more »

Shift 2012 Wichita

Note from Candace: I’d like to introduce Jaci Silvey. Both Jaci and I have “” Groups. I have asked Jaci to tell us about her new one called Shift 2012. I have two groups, one in Austin and another in Wichita, both of mine are called New Earth Journey.  Anyone can join these groups (its… Read more »

The 2012 Frequency. Are you on it?

We are having problems with our automatic garage door opener. (What does that have to do with 2012 and frequency? Hold on, you’ll see.) A few weeks ago we had a repair person out to help to try to fix the problem. He came out twice and failed both times. We tried a second repair… Read more »


2012 and Beyond, The Future. By Golden Wolf

Note from Candace- If you take the time to read these words, I suspect you will acknowledge that some of the concepts Golden Wolf speaks of below, were ones YOU yourself were not completely aware of until very recently. Perhaps your new realizations have to do with the American Constitution, or maybe GMOs or fluoride… Read more »