Quantum Healing really is … QUANTUM! We really are so very connected, all of us really, but when we make connections with our clients even more so. Your dreams may hold information specifically connected to, or for, your client!

Quantum Healing really is … QUANTUM! We really are so very connected, all of us really, but when we make connections with our clients even more so. Your dreams may hold information specifically connected to, or for, your client!
I love my job. I love it even more when I get messages like this one I got from a client who had a session with me late last summer. Her regression was intense. Both physically and mentally and it changed absolutely everything in this woman’s life. As I recall she had some detoxing symptoms afterwards… Read more »
What do healers do when healers get sick? Oh the irony! It was March of 2015. There I was assisting in the Quantum Healing classes in Arkansas focusing upon the basic concept of self-healing and I had to make a trip to the Emergency Room. Yup, the cat scan confirmed what I already knew, I… Read more »
In the beginning of the dream I found myself walking near an ocean- a beautiful expansive and very familiar ocean. The water was so soft, inviting and sparkly. Up ahead I saw a pavilion. It was a very large pavilion, quite massive. As I came closer I saw one person near the closest corner, walking… Read more »
A couple of Saturdays ago, first thing after waking up, I walked into our kitchen and told my husband Tom that I had an interesting dream I wanted to share. As I made coffee and as he began preparing the dogs’ and cats’ breakfast dishes I began to tell him about it. In the dream… Read more »
Tuesday evening on New Earth Journey Radio I will be talking with Jill Rege on how her son recovered from Autism. Here is a great letter she wrote to new autism moms in 2013. Letter to a New Autism Mom Posted on March 21, 2013by Jill R. photo credit Dear New Mom, Welcome to the club.… Read more »
Last Tuesday (8-4-2015) I interviewed Heather Alice Shea on New Earth Journey Radio. (Clicking that link will take you to the BBS archives. Here is the same show on YouTube.) Heather is an intuitive guide, 6th sense expert and coach. We had a great time chatting about her incredible NDE and instantaneous healing, her awakening,… Read more »
Here is another dream communication I had from Dolores Cannon. Presented in classic Cannon form, straightforward and easy enough for anyone to understand. I hope you find the information beneficial. Here is my dream! Dolores, you are back! I am so happy to see you. Yes I am back. (Laughing) It’s a lot of fun… Read more »
Dolores Cannon passed away just about six months ago, on October 18, 2014. Since that time those that knew and loved her, those who practice her method of consciousness exploration and healing and even some people who never even heard of Dolores Cannon at all have been receiving messages and communication from her via intuition,… Read more »
Dear Candace, I was wondering something about the healing potential of the SC (The Higher Self.) Is anything possible? For example, I have heard of miraculous healing of someone’s spine, but say someone has a broken tooth, would the SC be able to fix that? Can healing happen even if we don’t believe that it… Read more »
This story is important, so my hope is that you read it all the way through. But you really don’t have to if you uninterested in the details or too busy. Do yourself a favor though and just look at the two photographs below and then read the next paragraph. Lorna Thomas, 40, had two… Read more »
Every day I get calls and emails from around the world from people who would like me to help them find a Quantum Healing Practitioner that is right for them. I am happy to help as I do know many practitioners both personally and professionally. That being said, here are some questions you can ask… Read more »