Category: Health

Time Travel

“Life is just amazing now…”

I love my job. I love it even more when I get messages like this one I got from a client who had a session with me late last summer. Her regression was intense. Both physically and mentally and it changed absolutely everything in this woman’s life. As I recall she had some detoxing symptoms afterwards… Read more »

Quantum Healing, 3D Proof

What do healers do when healers get sick? Oh the irony! It was March of 2015. There I was assisting in the Quantum Healing classes in Arkansas focusing upon the basic concept of self-healing and I had to make a trip to the Emergency Room. Yup, the cat scan confirmed what I already knew, I… Read more »

Letter to a New Autism Mom

Tuesday evening on New Earth Journey Radio I will be talking with Jill Rege on how her son recovered from Autism. Here is a great letter she wrote to new autism moms in 2013. Letter to a New Autism Mom Posted on March 21, 2013by Jill R. photo credit Dear New Mom, Welcome to the club.… Read more »

Ebola: Real or Fear Porn?

The following blog by Laura Bruno has some wonderful points about this subject. I have copied and pasted part of her article below and the link to the full blog. Most of that New Age mumbo jumbo is (intentional) rubbish, designed to distract and steer you away from real wisdom when you get too close… Read more »

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