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Tandem or Couple’s Past Life Regression

There are a few regressionists out there who will facilitate a tandem or couple’s regression. What exactly is that? It is when two people relax side by side and are led into hypnosis at the same time. Why would couples wish to do that? Well, there are many reasons. Some people suspect they have lived… Read more »

CORe Healing – a Brief Quote from Grabovoi

When following conventional methods, you must expect to get conventional results. -Grigori Grabovoi This Cellular and Organ Regeneration (CORe) work, founded by Grabavoi, resetting cells and reprogramming DNA continues to impress me. I’ve had the opportunity to assist perhaps a dozen people so far with their “self-healing”. One woman is actually attempting to re-grow her… Read more »

Question: When is Corn, not "really" Corn?

Answer:  When its GMO corn laced with thiamethoxam (a systemic neonicotinoid INSECTICIDE), and azoxystrobin, carboxin, fludioxonil and mefenoxam, all four, fungicides.  Careful not to touch this sweet corn while planting. Never mind that you are supposed to eat it eventually, just don’t touch it while its in this state. Seriously. These are corn kernels? Does… Read more »


If you are interested in sustainable energy, weather, clean food and water, politics, consciousness, the economy, your job, your health, education, a better life for your kids or your grandkids, or, you are simply alive right now and have any thoughts about how we as humans can do better, in EVERY one of the above… Read more »

Steven Jones and Visitors to Atira Moon

Steven Jones and his lovely wife Anne Ashley Jones are in America once again in 2011 on Book Tour number 2. His first official engagement and book talk will be held in Wichita tomorrow night, Friday October 21, 2011 at building 62 in Clifton Square, and here is the official invitation. Please know the public… Read more »

Down on The Farm – Anne Ashley

Anne Ashley guest blogs today for the delight of all who take the time out to read about her adventures so far in America at Atira Moon. Annie is here with her husband Steven Jones from London to do some speaking about his new book. (More on that topic soon. Steven is a life long… Read more »

CORe Healing Testimonial Video

Mom is 84, and has multiple health issues. She is pacemaker dependent. She has had congestive heart failure for a decade. Her doctor requires her to wear compression hose but she doesn’t like them very much. Today she had a stocking on one leg, but not the other. She was visiting the farm and complaining… Read more »

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Cell and Organ Regeneration

Continuing my passion of understanding consciousness and spirituality and their combined effects on our health and our lives, I attended a fascinating workshop over the past weekend in beautiful Pagosa Springs Colorado. Sponsored by the Institute of Light and organized by Mark and Heidi Kimmel and the Cosmic Paradigm Network, Pat Forbes taught a class… Read more »

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Are there Darwin Awards for Squirrels?

Or would that be redundant? Here on Atira Moon we make it a point to talk to all of the animals and we have had some amazing experiences. Today when I was leaving to run errands, I (ahem) “ran into” this little fella. I stopped the truck completely when it stopped in the middle of… Read more »

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