Category: BQH Beyond Quantum Healing

Monk Mirror Dolores Yt Thumb

The Monk, the Mirror, and Dolores Cannon

I am still integrating the intense energy transmission and information downloads provided during this tandem BQH Session! Attendees and observers, and even those who have watched the recording after the event had ended have also reported huge energy influxes and radical consciousness shifts. Here is just one observation from good friend and practitioner Donna McMurtry-… Read more »

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Will Brown Mid Water Channel Snap

Water Alchemy and BQH Immersion

Oh my goodness was this channeling session AMAZING! (TLDR- this channeling is for my upcoming Immersion class only. Channel William Brown along with his wonderful wife Allison Brown teamed up to assist me in connecting to the Element of water this afternoon to provide *exclusive* content and communications for the upcoming BQH IMMERSION live and… Read more »

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