I felt like Dolores sat down right with us as well. The first communication from her, however, was directly to me and it was about as stern a message as I have ever received from Dolores, human or spirit form.

I felt like Dolores sat down right with us as well. The first communication from her, however, was directly to me and it was about as stern a message as I have ever received from Dolores, human or spirit form.
Quantum Healing really is … QUANTUM! We really are so very connected, all of us really, but when we make connections with our clients even more so. Your dreams may hold information specifically connected to, or for, your client!
Backstory: Non-stop, no respite working for a few months, I somehow found myself in this pattern or waking up at 2 or 3am- getting right to work. With few interruptions, and multiple project deadlines, that worked well for a while because I was able to be so efficient, but, I have been attempting to get… Read more »
All the signs point to it, and it is fascinating to watch. The combination of this momentous timeline shift, and the seasonal thinning of the veil that happens every fall is proving to be a powerful combination. As I continue to prepare the physical space, this place that was my childhood home, the energies are… Read more »
I had been sitting at my desk working when our daughter Lauren called, and asked me if I had heard what had happened a few minutes prior. I had not. When she told me, I felt very little surprise. Certainly no shock. Mostly I felt – sadness and a feeling of history continually repeating.
Another water dream appears, this is the 69th in a row. Dolores was in this one, and she had something to say. I dreamed I was on a massive cruise ship that was afloat upon an even more massive ocean, more massive than any ocean of which I know. This ship was bigger than most… Read more »
I am still integrating the intense energy transmission and information downloads provided during this tandem BQH Session! Attendees and observers, and even those who have watched the recording after the event had ended have also reported huge energy influxes and radical consciousness shifts. Here is just one observation from good friend and practitioner Donna McMurtry-… Read more »
Part 2 of 2. Find Part one HERE. The stated intention of the BQH Tandem session was to gain more understanding about Reality Creation. The experiences Will and I shared within that session, and the experience within this subsequent spaceship dream, contained information that continued and expanded that idea. Standing back where we started, I… Read more »
I dreamt I was at Dad’s house standing in the yard near the big old cottonwood tree. There, sitting quiet and on the ground, in broad daylight, was a huge disc-shaped craft. It rose about 20 feet into the air and had about 4 times that length as its diameter. I was very near to… Read more »
What the Heck is a “Tandem” Session Anyway? A tandem Quantum Healing session is where two people are relaxed into a trance state and a facilitator helps to guide them into a shared consciousness exploration. So what does that look like? Well, it can look like a number of things! I have experienced tandem sessions… Read more »
Some of my dearest and best friends don’t live anywhere near Kansas. Yes, of course I do have some incredible people in my life who live nearby, but far and away, most of my friends and family live, well, far and away. One of the most wonderful perks of being the founding member of this Community… Read more »
Last night I dreamed I was back in the ancient sea salt mine of Kansas called Stracata. It was a lucid dream so I was aware I was in a dream world version of the place. We had only been there two days ago. I had only just begun to consider and process the thoughts,… Read more »